Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:38 am
Hey. Just another random poll from the brain of Stuart.
What continent do you live in? Asia? Australasia? *shudder* Europe?
Me, I'm from the UK. Sure, it's TECHNICALLY a part of Europe, but we don't like to talk about that. It angries up the blood.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:17 am
Asia ^_^
Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:59 am
I'm from Europe. I live in Europe. I am European (Northern)
Last edited by
Paul on Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:10 am
A kiwi is me, so choice number three! (well...actually number 5 - Australasia - but that didn't rhyme...)
First to vote for my region! Oh yeah!
25% [ 1 ]
Mon Nov 21, 2005 12:58 pm
North America. You know, the America that's... um... up.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:01 pm
Uh oh this question again.... I have no idea, its somewhere between Asia and Europe. If anyone knows tell me
Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:30 pm
North America
U.S. to be exact
Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:38 pm
This is the World. Beautiful, ain't it? (Shortin, Western Asia, you live in Israel, right?)
Last edited by
Paul on Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:02 pm
Europe for me ^^
Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:11 pm
Europe! Western Europe to be exact!
Paul, I had NO idea you lived in Scandinavia!
Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:19 pm
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Europe! Western Europe to be exact!
Paul, I had NO idea you lived in Scandinavia!

Well, looking at the map I supplied. Western Europe is Pink, and Northern Europe is Peach. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is Peach. Now, using all logical explanation. Ben Arnold (the guy who put together this map), he would've coloured the individual regions the same, wouldn't he? I mean, you wouldn't have Southern Asia and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the same colour, right?
P.S. This definition of continental regions and their subregions is in use by The United Nations, source is here, and if you scroll down to '150 Europe' and click 'Europe', then look underneath 'Northern Europe', it says The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
P.P.S. I thought you were a Brit...
Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:41 pm
Europe...whatever part everyone decides the UK is in.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:06 pm
Northern Europe.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:13 pm
I'm in North America. United States to be a bit more precise. I'd rather not be. Not because of political stances, etc. I just want to get as far away from my mother as possible.
Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:15 pm
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