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Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:21 pm
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! *gobble gobble*
What if you could make something different for Thanksgiving (as opposed to the usual turkey, ham, stuffing, ect.), would you, and if yes, what would it be?
It's really the only chance I get to eat turkey and feel sleepy, so...noes.
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DM was on fire! on Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:06 pm
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. But I had spaghetti bolognase. Was unusual seeing as my mum was cooking.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:09 pm
I don't think I'd really change anything. I don't think it would feel like Thanksgiving without turkey and cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. The only thing I'd get rid of is yams. D: My brother, sister and I hate them.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:15 pm
Don't celebrate, and I don't eat much anymore anyway.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:47 pm
Dude, one word.
When I'm on my own, that's SO how I'm doing Thanksgiving. Homemade Chinese food^^
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:53 pm
Amethyst wrote:Dude, one word.
When I'm on my own, that's SO how I'm doing Thanksgiving. Homemade Chinese food^^
When I'm on my own. My first Christmas dinner will be chinese food out of a cardboard box. Yeah. Or Indian.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:54 pm
Paul wrote:Amethyst wrote:Dude, one word.
When I'm on my own, that's SO how I'm doing Thanksgiving. Homemade Chinese food^^
When I'm on my own. My first Christmas dinner will be chinese food out of a cardboard box. Yeah. Or Indian.

That sounds gooood....I tried to get my family to spring for takeout on Christmas this year, but nooo, they had to get a HAM. >=(
Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:26 pm
Nope. No Thanksgiving for the Brits. But, I suppose we deserve that. After all, it was us who opressed you. Actually, it was the English who were doing that. Us Scots were to busy getting our genes ready to make great inventors that would make our lives MUCH better, but I won't get into that.
I would make a cake filled with cream and chocolate syrup. It would also have sprinkles in it, along with Turkey meat. It would then be baked in a microwave, then placed into an oven to heat. Then I would serve it with a fresh helping of strawberry milkshake over it.
Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:56 pm
Uh, yes. I would. I don't know what I'd make though.
Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:11 am
That's actually nothing new for me! The past few years my roomie and I have just gone to the corner Middle Eastern eatery for take-away grape leaves and salad. Now that she's got a guy friend (she swears they're not dating ... riiiiight

) she's going to his family's for dinner. So I'm on my own and it's either McD's or chinese takeaway for me. Going and buying something made is the treat for the day for me, a nice break from fixing most of my own meals.
Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:12 am
I'm eating shrimp and little sausages for Thanksgiving dinner.
Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:36 am
Xerophyte wrote:Don't celebrate, and I don't eat much anymore anyway.

Ditto on that

I have the appetite of a sparrow,apparently.
Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:33 am
Don't celebrate it xD
Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:25 pm
Some kind of pasta, I imagine.
Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:47 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:Uh, yes. I would. I don't know what I'd make though.
Include the pie, Medli-San. You so can't forget piiiiiiiiie.
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