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Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:04 am
This time's Fast Food Poll of Whenever I Feel Like It's question is...
You know how some fast food resturants have that 'breakfast' thing? Say you came to a McDonalds or whatever at 10:30AM. (Or sometime during breakfast time, for here it is breakfast untill 11AM) Would you order one of the breakfast burgers/food or would you wait a few minutes and order the regular ones?
In short, the question is, do you like the breakfast fast food?
I personally only like the hashbrowns.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:07 am
You know...
I never went to a fast food place in the morning with the morning stuff to get the morning stuff.
So I guess...
I never tried.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:11 am
I like the hash browns too

. But they are so unhealthy.
Some of the breakfast fast food is good... like the eggs... but personally, I don't find the burgers (or sandwiches... what do you call them?) all that good... the McDonald's bread is kind of... um... hard...
Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:24 am
I'm not particularly fond of most places breakfast choices. I don't particularly like eggs or hashbrowns (although I'll eat them when there's no alternative), and I prefer the pancakes that I make myself. I suppose if there were a place that served good biscuits and gravy I'd be tempted, but without that, no, I don't eat breakfast at fast food joints.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:06 am
I've only ever eaten the hashbrowns, because I'm really big on hashbrowns.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:20 am
Ya. Just the hashbrowns.
And sometimes breakfast egg McMuffins. But those are from McDonalds. And McDonalds is bad.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:23 am
I connect breakfast fast food with New York because Dad always goes when we are there to one of the thousands of McDonalds ( I have only eaten there the rare maybe four times, for breakfast) and get the breakfast foods.
Much better than regular fast food (at McDonalds, etc.) I would think. But I am a breakfast fan...I mean I love it at any time and tons of different types so it just might be my breakfast-loving-self talking
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:57 am
I used to be obsessed with McDonald's hashbrowns, but now the only fast food breakfast item I get is coffee.
When I did eat breakfast there, I would sometimes show up after 11 and hope that there'd be some breakfast stuff left. I always preferred the breakfast items to the lunch menu.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:00 am
So, am I the only person who actually likes the McDonalds pancakes? xD I mean, I like the hash browns too, but the pancakes are yum =D
But I don't really go to fast food places for breakfast ...
Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:01 am
I don't think I have ever tried fast food breakfast... I know I waited for the regular menu though.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:02 pm
Love the breakfast food.
There are better places around here, though, so it would have to be in the event that I was travelling that I'd eat fast food breakfast.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:12 pm
I like breakfast food alright, but I only eat it when we're traveling.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:50 pm
I think I'll pass ...
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:22 pm
I only have a cuppa in the morning so no, I don't.
Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:38 pm
_jade_em_ wrote:So, am I the only person who actually likes the McDonalds pancakes? xD I mean, I like the hash browns too, but the pancakes are yum =D
Nope, McDonalds hotcakes are wonderful. So delicious.
I barely ever get to have them though. When we go on a shopping trip we usually arrive after eleven.
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