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Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:33 pm
-----------------why im looking for this....--------------
Ever year, my school is part of a 1-Act play competition.... and our school is a HUGE theater school, and we usually at least go to state every year. So i definetely want to be part of it.
However, the play they chose didnt have ANY guys in it, and after realising this, they just changed it to the play "Black Comedy."... which only has 8 characters, which has 5 guys. There are a lot of drama guys at this school.... and i need to be able to act all 5 roles so i can have a better chance at getting a part! Theres a artist, theres a french guy, a colonel, etc.... which ive got down. but theres a GERMAN dude. and hes JUST MY CHARACTER.... but i dont speak any german, or use the accent!
------------------------- the justs of it----------------------------------------------
I dont plan on learning german any time soon (specially because i know 4 languages thus far, i dont want any german) but i am pretty darn good at immitating accents. Does anybody know where tonight, i can download a german guy speaking english somewhere? He speaks english, but has a thick german accent. His name is Schuppanzigh. Plus, ANOTHER character in the play, Georg Bamberger, is also german. And i cant find a good accent example, and i cant really ask my friends because they are all competition!! Can anybody help me please?!?!?
Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:17 pm
Ralph Feinnes in "Schindler's List" had a very good German accent.
Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:36 am
hey, i think my folkds here actually own that movie... that will probably help a lot, actually! Thanks for the idea!
Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:12 am
The Producers has at least one German character, but I'm not sure if the accents there are...overdone, or anything.
Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:00 pm
just don't go imitating Arnold's accent. It's hideous (and this is coming from a German
Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:19 am
wildkitten wrote:just don't go imitating Arnold's accent. It's hideous (and this is coming from a German

I though he was Austrian?
Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:37 am
He is.
Austrians speak German tho, just a bit differently
Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:51 am
There's a German in The Producers, and I don't recall his accent being exaggerated... just the character. The character was so bogus... loved it!
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