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Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:26 pm
With all the Llama stuff going on at neopets I was searching the Web and found out about a Camel Llama hybrid. It is pretty cute. It has hooves like a llama, instead of Camel Pads and it doesn't have a hump. I think the tail is different too.
His name is Rama and this is some of his pictures.
Two days old
Rama looking cute
Two Year Old Rama
When Rama was older they had to make him a female Cama to be with.
Mother and Kamilah
Kamilah and Scientist
A third Cama and his mother Llama
I haven't been able to find out of Rama and Kamilah had their own baby or not. It could be that Rama, like a mule, can not father offspring.
Last edited by
smudgeoffudge on Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:30 pm
See. Mules don't look as ugly as that thing. That thing... to me just looks odd. It's bodys all wonky on it's legs, looks like it's going to topple over. Bah. Cute as a baby, not so cute grown.
And some mules can reproduce, just not very often, just like how some ligers/tions can reproduce.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:36 pm
ahoteinrun wrote:See. Mules don't look as ugly as that thing. That thing... to me just looks odd. It's bodys all wonky on it's legs, looks like it's going to topple over. Bah. Cute as a baby, not so cute grown.
And some mules can reproduce, just not very often, just like how some ligers/tions can reproduce.
But the liger is infertile, which sucks
Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:38 pm
I know, I thought it looked like the legs were funny too. In one pose it actually looks like the front legs are different length than the back legs or soemthing. It really does look funny. I think it was cute as a baby though. I don't know if they can reproduce, but they were saying that if they could they could be more efficient than a camel maybe. Or more docile.
They hand reared Rama so he was really mean because he had no respect for humans. He thought he was one because he had never been around
either Llamas or Camels. So when he got older he was very territorial and thought other humans were a threat. But if they made more of them they would probably be more docile if raised with their own kind.
But they don't have very good fur like a Llama does, so they can't really use it for much. But I guess they could use them as work animals. Maybe they can be just as strong as a camel or almost as strong. And then they might not eat as much or eat the same kinds of things.
Actually I really don't know how useful they could be, but it might be useful for something.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:49 pm
St Nick wrote:ahoteinrun wrote:See. Mules don't look as ugly as that thing. That thing... to me just looks odd. It's bodys all wonky on it's legs, looks like it's going to topple over. Bah. Cute as a baby, not so cute grown.
And some mules can reproduce, just not very often, just like how some ligers/tions can reproduce.
But the liger is infertile, which sucks

I'm fairly sure that the lady who owns Shambala had a liger or a tion that had babies, and she was shocked because they're not supposed to be able to have babies. *shrug* I know i've heard of them reproducing, it's just not common, and not all of them can.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:10 pm
It looks like my first dog.
His name was Red.
It's cute though.
Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:52 pm
in that scientist picture his head looks like an emu....
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