Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:22 pm
I was on the phone with my sister earlier today, and I mentioned that I’d had a pink streak put in my hair. She reminded me of the time she’d told me that if I ate a lot of cotton candy, my hair would turn pink. (This backfired. I ate almost all of her cotton candy after that.) That got me thinking about all the stuff she made up when we were kids.
Like how our parents were secretly magical faeries and so was she, but I was adopted and didn’t have any magical powers. I asked her if she’d give me some magical powers with her magical powers. She wouldn’t.
Another time, she told me that the attic was really “The Candy Bar Room” and she went up there all the time and ate as much candy as she wanted. Oh, and the world was in black and white until the 1930’s when color was invented. Old paintings are in color because of Ted Turner.
What kinds of crazy stuff did your siblings and parents tell you when you were little? How long did you believe them? What made you realize they were making it up?
Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:26 pm
My parents told me that kids couldn't have caffiene.
I know why, now. x)
Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:39 pm
My sister told me that all the toys we owned were hers, and she was just letting me play with them.
My dad told me that midnight was the "witching hour". He only mentioned it in passing, but my imagination really ran away with it. I imagined that at midnight, if you weren't asleep, the witches would come check on you and they'd kidnap you if you were awake. I was so terrified I couldn't fall asleep, so I'd lie very still with my eyes shut, practically holding my breath from 12:00 to 12:01.
When I was 4, my friend Natalie had me totally convinced she used to be a unicorn.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:56 pm
Well, my cousin (Gwendolyn) told me when we were 8 that she was actually Liz (me) and I was actually Gwen (her).
I believed her.
Now, we know that's not true.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:40 pm
I'm sure I told my sister terrible things that scarred her for life, but I can't remember what, exactly.
I know that in elementary I had the most runaway imagination...let's see...
1st and 2nd grade: I was a cat. Yup. I walked around on all fours, meowed, purred, the whole deal. Actually, a girl I still know (and still hate..) has a scar clear down one arm from where I scratched her.
3d grade: Animorphs. Yup. Katy and I loved the books, and we had ourselves quite convinced that we could turn into animals whenever we felt like it.
4th grade: Wolves. Jeremy and I. Much like the cat thing, but in the snow. And more howling.
And during all this (up through 7th grade, even) my sister, our backdoor neighbor (both of whom are 2 years younger than me) had this great big fantasy-esque thing going. WE could control animal spirits, travel huge distances, weave magic by nightfall...the whole deal. Man, that was fun. We actually developed an entire language by imitating birdcalls, which we'd just shout across the neighborhood atone another.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:44 pm
Adoration wrote:Well, my cousin (Gwendolyn) told me when we were 8 that she was actually Liz (me) and I was actually Gwen (her).
I believed her.
Now, we know that's not true.
Nice job, Gwendolyn. x)
Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:46 pm
My parents told me there was such thing as a Tooth Faerie, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. I'll never have children, but if I did, I'd certainly not lie to them at an early age. It's not a good precedence to start off with.
*still bitter*
My oldest brother used to tell me that my kitten liked being held by its tail (he later killed this kitten in front of me). And of course my brothers always said I was adopted. I'd still like for that one to be true.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:49 pm
Hm, I remember when I was about 6, I told one of my friends that the moon was actually a spinning disc and it flipped over like a coin to change from day/night. They believed me...
Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:02 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:My parents told me there was such thing as a Tooth Faerie, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. I'll never have children, but if I did, I'd certainly not lie to them at an early age. It's not a good precedence to start off with.
*still bitter*
My oldest brother used to tell me that my kitten liked being held by its tail (he later killed this kitten in front of me). And of course my brothers always said I was adopted. I'd still like for that one to be true.

Your brother KILLED your kitten IN FRONT OF YOU?!??
I remember when I was really young, and I liked those kinder surprise eggs that have toys in them. My mom would tell me that they held poison inside so she wouldn't have to buy me any. x_x;
I set the alarm clock in our house, a family friend came over with their son, and I convinced him that he was the only one hearing the alarm clock noise.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:12 pm
The only one I feel like sharing (that I can think of) is when my brother made a 'quest map' for school (ages unknown, except it was a long time ago). He and his best friend convinced my sister and I (we are about 4yrs younger than them) to follow his map. Eventually our dad found us, and we were all in trouble.
I'll share more if I can think of them.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:17 pm reminded me of one, Sky!
We used to have a huuuge (really deep) sandbox out behind some bushes in our back yard. One day when my sister was gone I wet out and dug a big hole clear to the bottom, then I coverd it up with sticks and leaves and sand and all that so it was invisible, and made a "treasure map" leading out to it.
My sister
fell for it.
I've never been so grounded in my life.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:06 pm
My mom told me that if I didn't take a bath before bed then rats would smell me and try to eat me when I was asleep.
My dad would tell me that one day I'd be taller than my older sister (This was of course true but I though he was lying!).
My sisters and I would tell our youngest sister that she was a black girl. We adopted her and painted her white.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:34 pm
Dianne (Mother like person) used to tell me I was a boy.
Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:43 pm
My brother once said Santa Claus doesn't exist
Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:57 pm
MyleneFarmer wrote:My oldest brother used to tell me that my kitten liked being held by its tail (he later killed this kitten in front of me). And of course my brothers always said I was adopted. I'd still like for that one to be true. :P
That is absolutely horrible..
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