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Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:23 am
I just caught this article on Yahoo News and I have a feeling you all, especially dog owners, would benefit from reading this:
"Dog Deaths Surpass 100 Despite Toxic Pet Food Recall"
the article wrote:The dog food is tainted with deadly aflatoxins that waste the liver away. The bad food could be present in a dozen other countries, too, the researchers say. About two-thirds of dogs that show symptoms from the toxin have died.
The dogs seemed to know their food was deadly.
"Some dogs were stealing food from the kitchen counter," Center said. "Others just stopped eating the food and begged for treats. Unfortunately, some owners used gravy and other mixers to entice their dogs to consume what they thought was safe, quality dog food."
Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:51 am
Thanks for the heads-up. I don't feed my dogs those brands, but I'll pass it along. It's awful when information like this gets lost in the shuffle.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:57 am

Thanks for the warning. Thankfully, I live in California and don't buy any of those brands (let alone heard of them). Another plus, my dogs only get Purina or Old Yeller brands since those two are on sale the most in this area. Thanks again.
PS: Yes, Old Yeller is a brand of dog food. My and my dad's dog seem to like. My sister's dog loved it. It smelled like either Coco Puffs or Chocolate Rice Crispies (sp?) to me. One last point, it is a Disney Foods product.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:12 am
Skynetmain wrote:PS: Yes, Old Yeller is a brand of dog food. My and my dad's dog seem to like. My sister's dog loved it. It smelled like either Coco Puffs or Chocolate Rice Crispies (sp?) to me. One last point, it is a Disney Foods product.
Did the marketing division who named it see the
end of Old Yeller? I mean...that just seems wrong.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:59 am
PuddingofEvil wrote:Skynetmain wrote:PS: Yes, Old Yeller is a brand of dog food. My and my dad's dog seem to like. My sister's dog loved it. It smelled like either Coco Puffs or Chocolate Rice Crispies (sp?) to me. One last point, it is a Disney Foods product.
Did the marketing division who named it see the
end of Old Yeller? I mean...that just seems wrong.
I made that exact same argument the first 3-5 times I saw the product too, but the dogs seem to love it

I guess it is just another in a line of product names that weren't thought through.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 10:47 am
Odd how important news makes its rounds from forum to forum. One of the other forums I frequent had a topic about this. (actually two, one locked)
Thanks for the warning, though I don't know if it affects me. We have a cat.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:02 pm
I've never heard of those brands either, but I did forward it along to everyone I know who has a cat or dog!
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:17 pm
That's scary. Thankfully I'm in Australia, and we don't have those brands here..
Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:38 pm
I'm glad I live in England. My dog has been quite poorly and were a bit worried, and so when I saw this thread alarm bells started ringing in my head. But I've never heard of any of those brands and like I said, we live in England. Thankfully she seemed to be improving in recent days too. It was probably a stomach bug because we feed her so many treats it's unreal.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:19 pm
Thankfully we use Ol' Roy and Purina. But I do recall hearing of those brands.
Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:12 pm
Wow, luckily we don't feed my dog that brand.

Thanks for the heads up though. Every once in awhile we'll try a bit of a different kind of dog food just to see if she likes it better.
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