Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:21 pm
This is so creepy looking. It had no nose either. It died. I wish it had lived, it was really cool looking. Most deformed animals like that die though. I remember reading about a two headed cat but it died too.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 6:51 pm
Oh, God, that is disturbing. And sad. I can't believe it died

But then again, mybe it's for the best. I've seen two headed animals before and my nan said she saw a tv programme that showed a lamb with five legs. Its fifth was in the middle of its underbelly. I never found out if it died or survived.
Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:05 pm
Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:24 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
That poor baby could be used for medical research. Man, if I had a cat that could advance science in any way. I'd be well proud, one eye or not!
Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:08 pm
I don't doubt this poor kitty's existence but--and correct me if I'm wrong--newborn kittens don't open their eyes for at least a week and a half after they're born. Although this kitten is a special case, I still don't think it would be as bright-eyed as the picture indicates so I'm a little skeptical about the authenticity of that particular pic (the guy's memory card proof is a very weak argument).
Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:22 pm
I know, I wondered why the eye was open too and that made me skeptical. But it if is a fake, it looks pretty cool.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:58 am
Paul wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
That poor baby could be used for medical research. Man, if I had a cat that could advance science in any way. I'd be well proud, one eye or not!
Yeah.. its just.. gross though.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:06 am
Kitten Medli wrote:Paul wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
That poor baby could be used for medical research. Man, if I had a cat that could advance science in any way. I'd be well proud, one eye or not!
Yeah.. its just.. gross though.
But if it was used for medical research, it might be able to help other cats or animals that are born like this.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:40 am
If he had lived and he were MY cat, I would have named him Sir Wimbledon DeMimsy XIV and dressed him in little sweaters, carrying him around with me wherever I went, and see if I could get him a custom "sunglass" to cover his one eye.
Or I'd sell him on e-Bay and use the money to buy some DVD's.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:26 am
Well she says she still has it; incase anyone wants proof; so I guess if you really really REALLY want to know if it's fake or not, you can just go visit her and peek in her freezer.
This thing disturbs me. At first I thought it was some creepy monkey, and then I thought it was a hoax, and now I think it's real. And I hate to be a heartless person again, but i'm kinda relieved it's dead. I feel sorry for it, and I can't believe that it would've had a very good life. Ah well.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:59 am
Poor baby. But if there's some way that his death could help other animals/people, then that's better than nothing.
I'm not entirely ready to say that this is legit, but I'm not sure it's a hoax either.
Fidds, if you sold Sir Wimbledon DeMimsy XIV on eBay, I'd buy him. He was terribly cute, like a white Meowclops.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:48 am
Bangel wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Paul wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
That poor baby could be used for medical research. Man, if I had a cat that could advance science in any way. I'd be well proud, one eye or not!
Yeah.. its just.. gross though.
But if it was used for medical research, it might be able to help other cats or animals that are born like this.
Yeah, its just gross. I mean.. its in her freezer.. I'd be freaked if I saw a dead cat in my freezer.. and just.. doing stuff to its dead body is kind of icky.. but yeah, other little kitties could use help that are born this way.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 6:56 am
Kitten Medli wrote:Bangel wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Paul wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Poor baby. That is so odd..about it being in her freezer.. ew.. just bury the poor thing already..
That poor baby could be used for medical research. Man, if I had a cat that could advance science in any way. I'd be well proud, one eye or not!
Yeah.. its just.. gross though.
But if it was used for medical research, it might be able to help other cats or animals that are born like this.
Yeah, its just gross. I mean.. its in her freezer.. I'd be freaked if I saw a dead cat in my freezer.. and just.. doing stuff to its dead body is kind of icky.. but yeah, other little kitties could use help that are born this way.
It's probably wrapped up in plastic sheet wrap, and then put in a box. To be wrapped up more.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:53 am
For the skeptics, Snopes says it's true:
And I don't think it's too odd to keep a dead animal in the freezer (properly stored, of course). We've had autopsies done a couple of times for some of our animals that died under mysterious circumstances, and we had to store them that way until we could mail them to the nearest university with a vet school. Also, though it isn't quite related to this particular case, in a lot of climates, the ground is too hard at this time of year to dig a grave that's sufficiently secured against scavengers. There were several times, when we lived in the mountains, that we had to freeze dead animals until the ground thawed enough to be able to dig... and it often didn't thaw until April or May.
So yeah, it is an uncommon mutation, but it does really happen. At another site (which I won't link to, because some of the pictures are disturbing, but there's a link in the Snopes article if you have to see), I found a good explanation for those of you wondering why the kitten's eye was open.
Although kittens do not open their eyes for 2 weeks, Cy has no eyelids and cannot close the eye ... The eye is still moist, either from amniotic fluid or possibly from being moistened by the breeder (even normal kittens are sometimes born with open eyes). The bottow rim of the eye is incompletely fused. Although the head appears to be normal size, the eye is disproportionately large and occupies most of the central facial area - this is due to the abnormal growth of the facial structures associated with cyclopia. The internal structure of the eye is also defective: it lacks the pigmented iris that is blue in normal kittens; it has no blood vessels and no tapetum (the reflective layer that causes red-eye/green-eye in flash photography). The malformed brain means the eye is blind. The head is an abnormal shape with no muzzle and with the mouth presenting as a slit below the eyes.
During its short life, the kitten was syringe-fed and made comfortable by the owner. Following its death, the kitten's body was deep frozen in case it could be examined for research.
Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:41 pm
Now that I read your explaination I have to say I am kind of glad it died. It wouldn't have been very comfortable being blind and then having no eyelid either. I guess they might have done some kind of surgury or something for it, I don't know what they can do for an eye like that if it had lived.
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