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Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:00 pm
Pigs with jellyfish dna. They look green and then in the dark under uv light they glow green.
Well actually, I'd rather have a fluffy glowing green kitty or dog to snuggle with. Oh well, maybe in a few years they can make some.
Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:53 pm
Glowing cat would be nice, at least I won't fall over him when I need to go the bathroom at night.
Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:56 pm
From the people who brought us Franken-Fish (the flurescent ones, not alien species in local waters), comes the next best thing!
Seriously, I think they got that Dr Seuss book wrong. It is supposed to be Green Eggs and ham, not the other way around.
Actually, green eggs are good and fun to make using food dye. I think I'll have them on a boat with a fox, Sam I-Am.
Tue Jan 17, 2006 5:32 pm
Cool! So they finally managed fluorescent pigs. My friends and I were obsessed with the concept a few years ago. I'm thrilled that they finally did it. (I'm a bit out of the genetic engineering loop, clearly.)
Skynetmain wrote:Seriously, I think they got that Dr Seuss book wrong. It is supposed to be Green Eggs and ham, not the other way around.
To be fair, the ham was illustrated as being green, too.
Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:48 pm
That's ridiculous. Totally pointless. They could do something seriously productive with the money it took to do that to those pigs. I'd love to glow green at night, wouldn't you?
Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:57 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:That's ridiculous. Totally pointless. They could do something seriously productive with the money it took to do that to those pigs. I'd love to glow green at night, wouldn't you?
Actually, with the knowledge gained from this particular project, they'll be better ready to take on more 'important' projects. In research, you have to take baby steps. And I'm sure they had more of a reason than "hey, let's make green piggies" for embarking in this particular line of research.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:01 am
I think it's a bit cruel to the pigs- I mean, I wouldn't want to glow in the dark and have green organs- and I don't really see how making green pigs can help disease research, but I suppose if this can do all people say it can, it's not horrible.
Hm. I wonder if they're fertile.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:34 am
Kitten Medli wrote:That's ridiculous. Totally pointless. They could do something seriously productive with the money it took to do that to those pigs. I'd love to glow green at night, wouldn't you?
Science isnt all "hey, lets make FTL travel NOW!!1!1!!1!!1!" You have to take 'baby steps' with these things.
(Okay, so i mixed two seperate scientific fields, so sue me)
From this research they can now begin the ever loved, yet eternally protested against field of curing Genetic disease (They altered the Pigs' DNA coding to make them flourescent, and preliminary reports say that they are as healthy as a 'Normal' Pig, meaning no ill effects other than being, well, radioactive)
Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:59 am
Kitten Medli wrote:That's ridiculous. Totally pointless. They could do something seriously productive with the money it took to do that to those pigs. I'd love to glow green at night, wouldn't you?
Actually, the article said this... so it's not completely pointless (or so they say)!
The BBC Article wrote:The scientists will use the transgenic pigs to study human disease. Because the pig's genetic material encodes a protein that shows up as green, it is easy to spot.
So if, for instance, some of its stem cells are injected into another animal, scientists can track how they develop without the need for a biopsy or invasive test.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:30 am
Thats awesome

I can't wait to see what they do next, with the stem cell research that is. Speaking of DNA and stuff, theres a guy coming ot our school in Feb. to talk about DNA and the research done with it. It looks interesting.
Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:42 pm
Bangel wrote:I think it's a bit cruel to the pigs- I mean, I wouldn't want to glow in the dark and have green organs- and I don't really see how making green pigs can help disease research, but I suppose if this can do all people say it can, it's not horrible.
Hm. I wonder if they're fertile.
^ I guess what she said.
I didn't realise the article said that, because I didn't read it. I should have scanned it before I commented I suppose, they just bore me to no end. And confuse my non-scientific brain.
I just, Iunno, think its sad for them to be bred just for research.. and to be green.. uh.. meh. But, I guess if they keep them happy..
Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:35 pm
What? Bangel do you think a pig wanders round the pen, and its mate says "oi, um, bruv, yur lukkin a bit off, uh, don't want you 'angin' round ere no more" ??
I mean, do you think the blobfish wakes up in the morning and laments its ugliness?
The article explains why it will help with disease research, but if there's another seat going on the smurf GENETIX MEDDLING YUR NOT GOD bandwagon, I'd like to join in please.
Sat Jan 21, 2006 10:14 pm
I think the glowing pigs are a great step. they can do all sorts of things from this now, and its a great breakthrough.
Setekh wrote:From this research they can now begin the ever loved, yet eternally protested against field of curing Genetic disease (They altered the Pigs' DNA coding to make them flourescent, and preliminary reports say that they are as healthy as a 'Normal' Pig, meaning no ill effects other than being, well, radioactive)
They're not radioactive. they glow under UV light, its entirely different.
And on a slightly less serious note, i read in the metro last week that the pigs weren't really made by scientists, they are infact the children of Kermit and Miss Piggy!!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:22 pm
rachel wrote:And on a slightly less serious note, i read in the metro last week that the pigs weren't really made by scientists, they are infact the children of Kermit and Miss Piggy!!
DON'T even suggest such a thing! Aggh!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:31 pm

You're horrible Rachel, absolutely horrible.
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