Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:38 pm
Having mostly grown up in a small Ohio town, I was exposed to a lot of new cultural foods when I moved to Los Angeles for college. I enjoy experimenting for the most part but the worst thing I tried would have to be a 100-Year Old Egg. *Shudder* It was like eating gelatinous ammonia...
Share your experiences!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:26 pm
I can't think of anything really gross that I've eaten. I can think of a couple strange/different things I've eaten (really good by the way): Graham cracker crusted calamari and saffron mussel soup. Yummy!
Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:32 pm
Well, when I was down in Virginia Beach for vacation a few years ago I tried alligator meat. I only took a few bites, but it actually tasted pretty good. It didn't taste much different than chicken.
I can't really think of anything else weird or gross that I've ever eaten. I'm pretty picky when it comes to food, so I don't try new things too often.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:03 am
stinkyllama wrote: I enjoy experimenting for the most part but the worst thing I tried would have to be a 100-Year Old Egg. *Shudder* It was like eating gelatinous ammonia...
How did you not die? Thats disgusting. That's like.. older than my grand parents.
For me.. Rat. DISGUSTING.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:05 am
For me, in terms of grossest, it's a toss-up between meat and any food that was touching. >.<;
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:07 am
I haven't really eaten anything all that gross. As for weird, I had buffalo, alligator, goat, and mystery meat before I went vegan.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:08 am
Kyra wrote:For me, in terms of grossest, it's a toss-up between meat and any food that was touching. >.<;
Haha, yeah. Today my mom was cooking pork and I nearly killed over just looking at it.
Um.. I can't think of much else.. oh.. garlic macaroni.. ew.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:29 am
I would say very (weeks) expired milk, but I had avocado in sushi once, and I would have to say that avocado is one of the most vile things that has ever been inside my mouth
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:41 am
stinkyllama wrote:Having mostly grown up in a small Ohio town, I was exposed to a lot of new cultural foods when I moved to Los Angeles for college. I enjoy experimenting for the most part but the worst thing I tried would have to be a 100-Year Old Egg. *Shudder* It was like eating gelatinous ammonia...
Share your experiences!

Oh, my mom loves those! They're black and gelatinous right?
I've ate pig intestine. Or er... more like my mom forcing it into my mouth because she thinks if I try it I'll like it.
I didn't.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:41 am
Jen wrote:How did you not die? Thats disgusting. That's like.. older than my grand parents.
I don't know how I didn't die but they're
not really 100-years old. I think it's pretty popular among the Chinese. My ex-roommate (who eats them all the time) made me try it after we saw it on Fear Factor. FEAR FACTOR. Nothing they eat on that show can possibly be good so that gives you an idea what I went through.
EDIT: Yup WIS, they're black and gelatinous. Have you tried one? I have several friends who love them with soy sauce and porridge. *Cringe*
Last edited by
stinkyllama on Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:42 am
I don't recall, nor do I want to.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 1:45 am
Kugetsu wrote:I would say very (weeks) expired milk, but I had avocado in sushi once, and I would have to say that avocado is one of the most vile things that has ever been inside my mouth
I am really starting to dislike your eating habits

Avocado is one of the greatest foods. Up there with artichokes.
As for weird foods, the two weirdest I can think of are pretty good. One is asparagus soup. Very tasty. The best 'weird' food is fried turkey. We have that every holiday at my uncle's house.
I can't think of anything weirder, but I'll try.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:00 am
Skynetmain wrote:Kugetsu wrote:I would say very (weeks) expired milk, but I had avocado in sushi once, and I would have to say that avocado is one of the most vile things that has ever been inside my mouth
I am really starting to dislike your eating habits

Avocado is one of the greatest foods. Up there with artichokes.
As for weird foods, the two weirdest I can think of are pretty good. One is asparagus soup. Very tasty. The best 'weird' food is fried turkey. We have that every holiday at my uncle's house.
I can't think of anything weirder, but I'll try.
I already said I hate a majority of all vegatables, and when I think I'm going to like something, I almost always do. Considering I thought I was going to like this and I ended up almost spitting it out on the floor (actually it was more like a choke/heave), that's a bad sign.

Especially when rotten milk tastes better.
Don't be a h8er... and avocado is still vile. :O
Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:34 am
Kugetsu wrote:Don't be a h8er... and avocado is still vile. :O
Awww...but avocado is so good. I sometimes slice one up and eat it plain as a snack.
Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:36 am
stinkyllama wrote:Kugetsu wrote:Don't be a h8er... and avocado is still vile. :O
Awww...but avocado is so good. I sometimes slice one up and eat it plain as a snack.

Agreed. Not to mention guacamole is great on everything, especially nachos and rolled tacos.
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