Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:15 pm
Ever since I was 5-years-old, I've been having dreams about dinosaurs on a somewhat regular basis and I don't have the slightest clue why. I'm usually running away from them and end up hiding in the lamest places like a bathtub. So wacky and mysterious to me...
What's your most vividly bizarre dream?
Sun Jan 29, 2006 1:49 pm
My most bizarre dream recently was this.
I was asleep in bed when my Mam called me to wake up, I replied that I did not want to, She shouted up that Chris had made me some toast and I had better come down to eat it. Not knowing who Chris is I set off downstairs to find a zombie in the kitchen buttering some toast and making the zombie moaning noises.
It was just... strange.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:32 pm
My weirdest one recently was where Jasujo was my mother, and SapphireFaerie was my sister. We were being haunted by this ghost named Trent, who was 2'11". We looked him up online and found out that he had eaten his parents when he was alive. Jasujo read this all totally happy and everything and sent me to bed all alone. I was afraid so I came back into the living room and and SapphireFaerie told me not to freak out, it was no big deal. And then she went to the bathroom or something and it was just me and Jasujo alone in the living room and I asked her if ghosts could hurt people and she was like "Jupiter can!".
And I've also had odd dreams that involved Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Seaworld.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:38 pm
I've had some really messed up dreams in the past. I used to have a reoccuring one where I was being chased round a park by some sort of animal. Mainly goats or rhinos though. However, chickens and giant carrots of DOOM have chased me through that park many a time in my dreams.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:29 pm
I alwayssssss alwayyss maybe weird dreams!
Being chased by A plastic figurine of McDonalds on a cake or dancing with a monster of a video game? I saw that often! xD
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:33 pm
The other night I had a dream I was married with baby (but seemed to be around the same age)...and we left our son at home when we went out for the day, suddenly realized it, and it took us way too long to get home to him. And he was lying in bed shaking. (And then everything was okay.)
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:49 pm
Well, there was the one where the entire Neopets staff was hosting a convention, and they picked me up on a van, and it had a really weird rainbow-ish room.
I remember a quite frightening dream in which I had ended up somewhere in the future and humanity had literally become perfect. They could survive anything, and, for some reason, while anything from the past was to not be spoken of, because of it's imperfection, they didn't get rid of it. Skeletons in the closet, but with the closet door wide open. I pointed out a copy of Nintendo Power to the person whom I was with, with the main article about Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I had mentioned the unmentionable. The entire room seemed to set aflame, and the person I was with turned into some sort of savage beast. I woke up before it killed me.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:55 pm
Im going to post a couple of wierd ones that Ive had.
One was when I was living in Italy. Me, my mom, her friend, and my friend were in the car together. I was speaking in "cat language" and so was my moms friend. My mom and my friend were barking. Then, we all went up into the appartment of my mom's friend on the ninth floor where they lived. My mom was barking at her friend and I was meowing at my friend. Then, out of nowhere, this plastic figure of Pluto (Micky's dog) jumped up and grabbed a hold of my moms hair. She was barking at it and then it pulled her out of the window.
I had that dream when I was 7, and I still remember it clearly
The next one I had was of me and Dawn at my old house in Illinois. We were looking out he back window and then we went out on the back porch(it was raised about 7 feet off the ground) and there were mummies all in the yard covered with daddy long legs (which scare the crap out of me). So, me and Dawn went inside and grabbed a couple of base ball bats becasue they were comming for us. And then we went outside and started bashing their heads together. And then this daddy long leg crawled inside my ear, and I couldnt get it out.
Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:36 pm
'Weird' is such a relative term. To me my weirdest dreams are one that don't fall into two categories: realistic ones and anime/TV/video game ones. The ones I consider are either inappropriate for this site or not remembered.
In the anime category, I mostly has
Eva dreams. They are usually cooler than the show. Sometimes I dream of the last show I watched. A lot of
NCIS and
Stargate dreams fall in there
In the realistic category, I normally get dreams of places I have never been. Sometimes I get of place and people I know, but not often. I have actually drempt of place I have never been in such good detail that they are 80-90% accurate years later. The people I mostly see in most dreams are those I don't know, except for my common cohort,
Eva's Rei or another woman a lot like her

We make quite a good team. My only complaint about those dreams is that my subconscious makes me too thin for my tastes. I am a large guy, not some average sized person for my height and age
I will now stop with this TMI
Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:09 am
There was this one dream I had where I was swimming in a pool, and I looked behind me to see a great white shark. I jumped out of the pool and turned around, and the shark was getting ready to jump out. So I threw up my hands, and magically gigantic strawberries appeared in my hands. I threw like 5 into the pool, and the shark couldn't get out.
What's weirder is that that night, before I went to be, we had strawberry shortcake, but because I didn't like strawberries I had the cake and whipped cream. The next night I ate the strawberries without saying something like "I'm going to try these now"
Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:09 am
Lots of stuff about leading the Carichure to victory (that being a massive space-born battle cruiser) or some undead army or another that im leading to victory, or several gruesome ones involving Maces/Morningstars and somone i hate.
I live an odd dream life.
Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:54 am
I had one where I was chased by my crazy 'cousin' who liked to take the heads off my sisters' Barbie dolls. And when she was chasing me she screamed, "My name isn't Water Lily" (in Chinese), "my name is YIU YIU!"
Then she pointed a gun at me, but my dad's friend jumped in the way O_O. It was sooo weird.
I had a weird one yesterday, it had something to do with a closet and dressing up x_x.
Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:05 pm
Well, last night I had a dream that I found Tim Burton living in my refrigerator....
Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:33 pm
Whoa, i had this dream last weekend that i was in my spanish classroom and i was sitting in the back. Then all of a sudden all of the students turned around and glared at me only their eyes were stitched together! It freaked me out. That one was a scary one but one weird one i had when i was like 5 and i still remember today is i was dressed in a uniform and was going to a new school(which looked like a barn). I had an apple for my teacher and when i looked at it a worm crawled out. Sounds very stupid i know but it was a weird dream.
Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:39 am
For the most part I'm a lucid dreamer, so my dreams don't get terribly weird (to me, anyway).
Um, this one will probably seem pretty weird to everyone but me. I have a recurring dream that I'm being interviewed by Jon Stewart in a flooded cranberry field. The interview is conducted with the old Daily Show desk and couch, if you're wondering. Oh, and Johnny Depp shows up sometimes. Then there's brightly-colored muffins in the green room!
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