Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:31 pm
US$2 per game. Free cooking and side dishes after you catch it. Sounds fun and tasty.
Last edited by
Skynetmain on Tue Feb 07, 2006 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:54 pm
That's hillarious!
I don't agree with the animal cruelty thing, though. Seriously, a lot of those PETA people need to calm down and straighten out their morals O.o
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:15 pm
Well, I hate PETA. Passionately. I wish they would all disband and go out and get lives. I'm okay with eating meat, I do it myself.
But I don't like this. If you want to eat a lobster, fine. I don't care, I find them quite delicious, personally. But they're not toys. They're living creatures, whether they've been put on my plate or not. Though by then they'd be dead... but my point is still there.
Haven't you ever heard you're not supposed to play with your food anyway?
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:41 pm
I don't... honestly like this game. I know in theory it's kinda funny, I myself maybe had a bit of a chuckle at the expense of the lobsters. But it probably does cause un-necessary stress to the animals to live in fear of a claw coming down to pick them off.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:43 pm
Bangel wrote:Well, I PETA. Passionately. I wish they would all disband and go out and get lives. I'm okay with eating meat, I do it myself.
But I don't like this. If you want to eat a lobster, fine. I don't care, I find them quite delicious, personally. But they're not toys. They're living creatures, whether they've been put on my plate or not. Though by then they'd be ... but my point is still there.
Haven't you ever heard you're not supposed to play with your food anyway?
dont you remember when you where a kid and everything was a kid and you did what the other people said not to do? like sit right up next to the TV and eat to much sugar and stay up late and stuff? if its already been caught whats the harm in catching it again? people catch fish all the time but we dont complain about it...
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:45 pm
alien wrote:Bangel wrote:Well, I PETA. Passionately. I wish they would all disband and go out and get lives. I'm okay with eating meat, I do it myself.
But I don't like this. If you want to eat a lobster, fine. I don't care, I find them quite delicious, personally. But they're not toys. They're living creatures, whether they've been put on my plate or not. Though by then they'd be ... but my point is still there.
Haven't you ever heard you're not supposed to play with your food anyway?
dont you remember when you where a kid and everything was a kid and you did what the other people said not to do? like sit right up next to the TV and eat to much sugar and stay up late and stuff? if its already been caught whats the harm in catching it again? people catch fish all the time but we dont complain about it...
People aren't playing with something else's life when they're catching fish, generally they're trying to make a living.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:50 pm
I'm sorry if posting this creates a lot of controversy. I just thought it was an interesting story. I fully agree with the animal cruelty side of this story, but I still think the game seems interesting, although I would never play it. It is only for the yuppie generations that have the time and money on their hands to waste trying to win a lobster. I give these contraptions only a few more months before the government shuts them down.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:12 pm
Skynetmain wrote:I'm sorry if posting this creates a lot of controversy. I just thought it was an interesting story. I fully agree with the animal cruelty side of this story, but I still think the game seems interesting, although I would never play it. It is only for the yuppie generations that have the time and money on their hands to waste trying to win a lobster. I give these contraptions only a few more months before the government shuts them down.
Well, yeah, it's interesting. Not nontopic-worthy in the least. I personally just think it's stupid.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:22 pm
While I do agree with the PETA folks on many counts, they need to get over theirselves on this one. Lifting them out with a claw isn't any more cruel than plucking them out of a tank in the market....just more entertaining, if you like that sort of thing. They'll be chucked in the pot either way.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:26 pm
alien wrote:dont you remember when you where a kid and everything was a kid and you did what the other people said not to do? like sit right up next to the TV and eat to much sugar and stay up late and stuff? if its already been caught whats the harm in catching it again? people catch fish all the time but we dont complain about it...
Its totally unnecessary torture.. people think animals are beings that cant feel pain, that are just here for us to toy around with. But thats just wrong..
If someone ripped out out of your territory (regardless of the meat factor), then you were piled into a machine and pulled out like a toy, wouldn't that add to the whole thing? I know humans are higher beings than animals, but that by no means is a pass to torture them.
Requiem, they're squished in together and messed with.. isnt that.. mean?
Unlike stationary stuffed animals, the lobsters flap their tails, flail their claws and squirm this way and that, making them elusive prey.
The lobsters I see in Walmart arent even that upset.
Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:37 pm
Kitten Medli wrote:Unlike stationary stuffed animals, the lobsters flap their tails, flail their claws and squirm this way and that, making them elusive prey.
The lobsters I see in Walmart arent even that upset.
Woah...your WalMart has LOBSTER???
Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:41 pm
Amethyst wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Unlike stationary stuffed animals, the lobsters flap their tails, flail their claws and squirm this way and that, making them elusive prey.
The lobsters I see in Walmart arent even that upset.
Woah...your WalMart has LOBSTER???

Why does your post remind me of 'Napoleon Dynamite'?
Anyway, although I don't mind the eating of lobsters, using them in games like this is just a bit wrong. I'm not going to go all preachy and try to start a debate, I'm just saying it looks a bit cruel to pick up live animals using large metal claws.
Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:09 am
Ixistant wrote:Amethyst wrote:Kitten Medli wrote:Unlike stationary stuffed animals, the lobsters flap their tails, flail their claws and squirm this way and that, making them elusive prey.
The lobsters I see in Walmart arent even that upset.
Woah...your WalMart has LOBSTER???

Why does your post remind me of 'Napoleon Dynamite'?
'Cause that movie was flippin' sweet.
Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:13 am
Rather than a stabbing metal hook?
Anyway, as the article said, the claw doesn't harm them considering that the aim is for them not to be caught in order to make money, it they were injured by being picked up the game wouldn't last very long with dead lobsters being the target.
Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:22 am
I find it pretty disturbing to be honest, but I'm not sure that it's any more disturbing than being able to pick your own lobster to be boiled alive in the first place. I do eat meat but I'm not entirely comfortable with the fact that I do, and I do avoid eating anything that I feel has been killed in a way I'm not personally comfortable with. In conclusion I don't eat lobster anyway though I'm not about to tell anyone else they can't
But the idea of making it a game... I just can't seperate that from the idea of doing the same say in a field of pigs. It's not necessary and I find it quite off putting to be honest - not for the lobsters sake but the fact I find people who would do that to be a bit... well laughing at the fate of an animal life, really.
*is not preachy really, honest guv*
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