Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:17 am
Random discussion thread I kicked up after seeing Weezel's.

Broadens my curiousity, too!.
Favourites: I'd have to say
Braised Eel with
Sweet honey sauce and
Sushi. Specificly Philly, California, and Crunchy rolls.
Weirdest Food Habit (WFH): One day we had little to eat so I decided to throw some things together, but now it's almost become a recipe. Can't eat my soup normally without it. It's ABC Vegetable, Lime juice, and frozen honey mustard vegetarian chicken tenders mixed in with a good cup or so of shredded cheddar cheese.

Besides that.. I dip my pickles in ketchup.
Don't laugh at me for starting this, now!.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:59 am
I don't have a specific favourite food, but my favourite
type of food is Italian
I don't think I have any weird eating habits. Apart from eating cereal at the randomest times xDDD But when I was little, whenever I ate Chinese (which was every night, and 75% of lunches,) I wouldn't eat things together. I'd eat half a bowl of plain rice, and if even the tiniest drop of sauce or whatever dropped into it, I wouldn't eat it anymore, complaining that it was "ruined." And then I'd have half a bowl of one type of vegetable, and then half a bowl of meat, and then half a bowl of soup.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:06 am
My favorite foods are probably Sushi (particularly Spicy Tuna) and Korean BBQ (particularly my mom's Kalbi).
As for weird habits, I used to be obsessed with dill pickles and soy sauce--I'd eat them with
everything. When I was a starving student at USC, though, most of my meals consisted of soy sauce rice with pickles so I kinda grew tired of both.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:21 am
:O Eel is suprisingly nice.
But, my favourite food is easily Saffron Bread
WFH - I used to (before i was a vegetarian) cut up everything in a roast meal and mix it together into a kind of slush, then eat that. Rachel hated me doing it so I had to stop.
Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:20 pm
When I was little, I used to dip carrots in ketchup.
Oh, and I don't eat pizza with sauce. It's gross.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:01 am
I used to put mayo on my hamburgers, and I used to be like my sister - she puts ketchup in her scrambled eggs. I also am one of those people that doesn't put tomatoes, onions, etc. on hamburgers. I usually just have mustard and the meat, and sometimes lettuce.
I don't have a favorite all time food, but my favorite type of food is probably italian.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:42 am
I am currently dieting so I am eatting a lot of healthy choice meals, chicken stir fry with rice and veggies, subway, and other stuff with chicken in it. I am so tired of chicken breasts! But healthy choice pizzas are pretty good.
One weird thing I used to eat was bolona sandwiches with chips in the sandwich. Mmm crunchy. I'd like to have one now. I'd have to make it with baked chips, wheat bread, and turkey bolona and low fat mayo now though. I could probably still have one if I craved it.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:04 am
Ketchup with popcorn. It tastes like eggs I tell you!
I eat margerine on everything. Even pizza.. Even Chicken.. you name it, I eat it with margerine.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:10 am
Favorite foods: Unagi, french fries (not freedom fries), hamburgers, pineapple.
Weirdest habit: Best french fry topping: chocolate syrup. Mix it with ketchup and you have a great flavor. Extreme weirdest: I don't like to season my foods, unless they are supposed to be served seasoned. I think extra seasonings take away from the food. Works great for any type of pepper, onions, and beef.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:56 am
I don't really have a favourite food (although I am a big fan of tiramisu). A weird food habit I have is putting syrup on breakfast sausages. In fact, that's the only way I'll eat them.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:58 am
mmm donairs..... so yummy
Wed Feb 22, 2006 3:09 am
My favourites are Beef or lamb Kebabs and Indian Curries. For a weird food habit, I don't like eating fruit upside down, and I like hot sauce with my vegetables.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 4:31 am
Dragonfire wrote:I used to put mayo on my hamburgers, and I used to be like my sister - she puts ketchup in her scrambled eggs. I also am one of those people that doesn't put tomatoes, onions, etc. on hamburgers. I usually just have mustard and the meat, and sometimes lettuce.
I don't have a favorite all time food, but my favorite type of food is probably italian.
.. I thought everyone did that. *looks around shifty eyed* Hm. I crave eggs now.
Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:27 am
Dusket wrote:Dragonfire wrote:I used to put mayo on my hamburgers, and I used to be like my sister - she puts ketchup in her scrambled eggs. I also am one of those people that doesn't put tomatoes, onions, etc. on hamburgers. I usually just have mustard and the meat, and sometimes lettuce.
I don't have a favorite all time food, but my favorite type of food is probably italian.
.. I thought everyone did that. *looks around shifty eyed* Hm. I crave eggs now.
I used to do that too when I ate scrambled eggs!

I can't stand any type of egg anymore though...
Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:10 pm
zorg wrote::O Eel is suprisingly nice.
But, my favourite food is easily Saffron Bread
Why don't you just eat gold....
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