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Plea for help!

Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:38 pm

Ok guys, i have a plea for help. At the moment we are writing up our dissertations, and my housemate really needs to reference a paper but we dont have access to it at our university. So my plea is, do you have access to the "journal of embryology and experimental morphology", and if you do, would you be willing to scan in a particular paper and email it to me? I would love you forever if you could!!!

Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:16 pm

The only place near me that would possibly have it would be Ann Arbor.. I will be near there and could check if you would like

Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:28 pm

My Library may have the paper (there are references in the catologue to "Journal Of Embryology And Experimental Morphology" - 1969-1986?). Unfortunately the earliest I'll even be able to go to the Library is next Monday and I'm not sure if I can even get access to a scanner. I'll check around to see if they have the services and if they do and you still haven't been able to find a scanned copy by that point I'll post another message.

Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:49 pm

My school gives us access to some online sites that are like online libraries. If you give the name of the paper/article, I can look and see if they have it on any of them?

Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:07 pm

this is the paper: ... med_docsum

Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:09 am

Sorry, haven't had any luck scanner-wise. Hopefully you've managed to find another copy elsewhere by now though :)

Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:09 pm

thanks for trying. i managed to find most of the papers i needed, and my housemate managed to hold of the paper from someone else in her lab.
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