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Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:02 pm
I've had braces since last August, and ever since, my gums have been extremely swollen, to the point that my gums are over my bracets. And it hurts real bad. Most people just tell me that I need to brush more in that area, and thats where I brush the most, so its not that Im not brushing enough.
Does anyone have have any advice on how to get rid of swelling?
Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:14 pm
Maybe ask your orthodontist to loosen them for you. I don't remembering ever having that problem so I don't know what else to say. Sorry that is happening. Hope you get it worked out.
Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:16 pm
I never had swelling in four years of braces.
Maybe you're brushing it too much? :-/
Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:29 pm
Do you floss often? My dentist told me that if I didn't floss everyday, my gums would become swollen =/.
Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:47 pm
When I had braces my gums were swollen because I rarely brushed there, but not to that point. Like Divine said, flossing might help. As for other options, I would ask your orthodontist.
Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:02 pm
i have never flossed - EVER! and i had braces and that didnt make my gums inflamed.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:30 am
Thanks for the adive, but I floss every night before I go to bed...

And I don't think that I am brushing too much, since I brush every morning and ever night, which is only twice a day.
And as for loosening them, it would make the process take longer, and I would just rather take the pain then have these awful things on. x_x
Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:42 am
Don't worry, it'll all be worth it in the end.
Now that I've thought about it more, it's possible that the braces are irritating the gums and thus causing cold sores. Not entirely sure though.
Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:49 am
.:Blank Stare:. wrote:Thanks for the adive, but I floss every night before I go to bed...

And I don't think that I am brushing too much, since I brush every morning and ever night, which is only twice a day.
And as for loosening them, it would make the process take longer, and I would just rather take the pain then have these awful things on. x_x
its probably still worth mentioning it to your orthodontist next time you go tho.
Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:03 am
hmm. swelling...I had a tiny bit, but it was barely noticeable... try... flossing, as said before, or brushing really lightly in circular motions to massage your gums... it works! xD I don't have braces, but I do it anyway^_^ hehe. Good luck!
Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:20 pm
Dragonfire wrote:Don't worry, it'll all be worth it in the end.
Never has a truer statement been spoke.
I never had problems with swollen gums when I had braces, the most I had was the occasional canker sore on the inside of my mouth when they changed/tightened the wires.
If anything, I would suggest asking your orthodontist about it. They've probably seen similar cases and might know the cause.
Tue Mar 28, 2006 10:44 pm
...Riiiight. Anyway, I just received a telephone call from .:Blank Stare:. and the naughty girl has been grounded for throwing her brocolli down the garbage disposal and then lying to her darling parents about it. Scandelous! So she will not be replying for the next two weeks; just a note she asked me to post so you all know she isn't ignoring you.
Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:30 am
...Riiiight. Anyway, I just received a telephone call from .:Blank Stare:. and the naughty girl has been grounded for throwing her brocolli down the garbage disposal and then lying to her darling parents about it. Scandelous! So she will not be replying for the next two weeks; just a note she asked me to post so you all know she isn't ignoring you.
Aww, 2 weeks? Tell her she has to eat her broccoli (and whatever veggies her parents make).
As to the braces, maybe a trip to the dentist would be a good thing if after all this time her gums are still that swollen. I'd suggest a water pik too. I have alot of dental work in my mouth and it really helps.
Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:21 pm
Eww. Broccoli. I can sympathise with that.
I've never heard of gums swelling due to braces before. The best thing to do in my opinion is to go to the dentist or the orthodontist to ask about it. It can't be a good thing to have humongous gums. It might not need looser braces at all, so the process won't get any longer.
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