Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:03 pm
Aw, look at the smile on his face.
I don't blame him. Who wouldn't want to be surrounded by stuffed animals? :-D
Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:15 pm
he crawled in? hehe
Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:20 pm
The kid starred Oddball last night. Poor kid, but he will make a good tunnel rat someday.
Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:21 pm
Well he sure looks happy. It has to be more fun playing in toys than playing in balls. I know a lot of kiddie places have slides or other areas that have a pit filled with balls for kids to land in, if someone could somehow make the pit filled with lots of toy animals then it would be very popular. They'd have to put little RFID chips in the toys though, or something, because kids would want to take them back home with them. I guess it is less expensive to use balls, and balls don't have sharp corners or removable eyes or other parts kids can choke on. But if kids really really enjoy playing in a plexiglass box filled with toys, someone should market the idea. They could make the toys out of foam or something, kind of like a nerf ball maybe..
Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:22 pm
Why, why would someone name a restaurant Godfather's Pizza? That makes me to not go there more. I'd feel like I'd get whacked in the head with a pizza paddle.
Anyways, that's kinda funny. I saw that on GMA this morning.
Heh, he lives in Austin, Minnesota.
Only in Austin! xD
Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:58 am
*Attempts to win him*
Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:52 am
Wouldn't the claw hurt his head?
Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:38 am
ahoteinrun wrote:Wouldn't the claw hurt his head?
It has rubber pads on it.
Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:39 am
Christopher wrote:ahoteinrun wrote:Wouldn't the claw hurt his head?
It has rubber pads on it.
HAH! That made me actually laugh out loud.
Dragonfire, I live in Minnesota and Austin isn't too far from Bloomington here... Godfather's Pizza is actually a very popular pizza chain up here in the Midwest, kind of like Culver's. But you probably haven't had Culvers... I think there is maybe one in Texas?
Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:23 pm
soymimi wrote:Anyway,
Dragonfire, I live in Minnesota and Austin isn't too far from Bloomington here... Godfather's Pizza is actually a very popular pizza chain up here in the Midwest, kind of like Culver's. But you probably haven't had Culvers... I think there is maybe one in Texas?

Do you mean Culver's as in hamburgers or custard, with a blue sign? Because that's the only Culver's we have here.
Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:22 pm
Dragonfire wrote:soymimi wrote:Anyway,
Dragonfire, I live in Minnesota and Austin isn't too far from Bloomington here... Godfather's Pizza is actually a very popular pizza chain up here in the Midwest, kind of like Culver's. But you probably haven't had Culvers... I think there is maybe one in Texas?

Do you mean Culver's as in hamburgers or custard, with a blue sign? Because that's the only Culver's we have here.

Yes! That's the one. Culver's, with its famous butterburgers...

The Culver's down in Texas must be located in Austin, I guess. It's delicious food, though. I love Culver's so much.
Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:07 pm
Looks like he's having fun!
why did they use tools and firefighters to get him out, don't these machines have keys? They must do, so they can refill them.....
Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:18 pm
Bno wrote:Looks like he's having fun!
why did they use tools and firefighters to get him out, don't these machines have keys? They must do, so they can refill them.....
Gosh Steven don’t you know anything, the claw machine fairies refill them. Go back under your rock
Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:50 am
soymimi wrote:Dragonfire wrote:soymimi wrote:Anyway,
Dragonfire, I live in Minnesota and Austin isn't too far from Bloomington here... Godfather's Pizza is actually a very popular pizza chain up here in the Midwest, kind of like Culver's. But you probably haven't had Culvers... I think there is maybe one in Texas?

Do you mean Culver's as in hamburgers or custard, with a blue sign? Because that's the only Culver's we have here.

Yes! That's the one. Culver's, with its famous butterburgers...

The Culver's down in Texas must be located in Austin, I guess. It's delicious food, though. I love Culver's so much.
There's one in the Woodlands by Houston. Went there during Hurricane Rita evacuation. T'was some pretty darn good custard, I must say!
Hahaha, anyway, that little boy's face is priceless.
Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:56 am
I hate to ask...
But custard... and hamburgers? What on earth?
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