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Uncanny X-Men

Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:23 pm

Ahh, a great comic book series.. a great well everything. Its been made into every genre (Even interpretive dance, now that was fun).

Nevertheless, Mutants are real, and they walk among us...

If you were an Mutant from the X-men Universe, what would your super power be and what would your Mutant name be?

I would be Bowlder, the slightly dimwitted goodhearted simpleton who controls nature and earth and stuff. I think i'd end up looking alot like juggernaut, but without the whole running Grr bit.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:46 pm

Pfft. Ultimate X-Men is way better, bet let's not get ionto that.

I would be able to create and control water, as well as being able to stand upon water and breathe underwater. I dunno what I'd be called. 'Aqua' maybe.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:57 pm

easyy,. the power to make more powers... therefore I have all the powers!

I would be called.... hawtboy!

Sun Apr 02, 2006 1:57 pm

Ixistant wrote:Pfft. Ultimate X-Men is way better, bet let's not get ionto that.

I would be able to create and control water, as well as being able to stand upon water and breathe underwater. I dunno what I'd be called. 'Aqua' maybe.

OOOH Lets get into that :P *starts debating topic on it ;) jk*. Uncanny is much better,t he characters are constructed better.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:02 pm

never got into uncanny.. but I will check it out. looks interesting. I was always a fan of XMEN

Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:07 pm

Shoyru_Lover wrote:never got into uncanny.. but I will check it out. looks interesting. I was always a fan of XMEN

Well get into Ultimate X-Men. The beauty of it is that it was only started in 2000, and you don't need to know ANYHING about the X-Men prior to reading it to understand it.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:44 pm

Yeah... Never got into any of these, so the only X-men I know are the ones from the cartoon series (both the old and the new) and the movies. :P

But my power would be to be invisible and/or teleport.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 6:21 pm

Psychic powers and massive intellegence for myself (basically the way I am now, but with massive intellegence :P ) I love psychic powers, TK, telepathy, and foresight would be the ones I want the most. With the extra intellegence, I would be able to make myself a working lightsaber so I could go totally Jedi. As for my super name? No change. I'd keep my real name.

Onto the Uncanny vs Ultimate debate: Uncanny wins hands down. I may not know American comics that well, but I thought most of the Marvel universe was pretty dang cool. Then they went all 'Ultimate' and changed everything. I prefer to remember them from when I was growing up. When they were cool.

Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:49 pm

Manipulate electricity (original huh?). I'd be called Sparko!

Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:59 pm

Anoohilator wrote:Manipulate electricity (original huh?). I'd be called Sparko!

Why not control darkness and shadows and be called Darko, the Dark God of the Dark :P (Sorry couldn't resist the 8-bit Theater reference).
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