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The White Chamber

Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:36 pm

First, there was the Crimson Room.
Then came the fiendeshly hard Veridian Room.
Afterwords, you had the only slightly good Blue Chamber.

Now, I present to you, THE WHITE CHAMBER!!!

I'm currently doing it at the moment, and it seems quite good.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:57 pm

Those games are way too hard for me, and I've only gotten a few items so far.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:22 pm

How do you use something on something?

So far I have the key, the yellow block, the red block, the purple blocks and the binary sheet.

And the mount, stick and hook.

Tue Apr 04, 2006 5:09 pm

CWisgood wrote:How do you use something on something?

So far I have the key, the yellow block, the red block, the purple blocks and the binary sheet.

And the mount, stick and hook.

I played it a few weeks ago. If I remember right, to use an item on another item, click the item you want to use then click what you want to use it on.
For a rather creepy, non-essental bit, click the window to the garage...

Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:03 am

Finished. It was way too easy. Comapred to the other ones this was a peice of cake but it was a fun time waster and very well made anyways. I liked :D

Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:13 am

Whee! I finished it without any help (well.. I don't think Robin's telling us how to use items tells us what to do in the game. You know what I mean, methinks. o_O)

However, I'm going to have to redo it, because I didn't get to see the plot thing at the end. My net went out. Bleeh.

Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:59 am

I finsihed it without help. I love these ^_^
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