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I'm an oldbie! Worship me! :D

Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:43 pm

It's April 5, 2006. I joined PPT on April 5, 2003. Do the math. :P I don't feel like doing a big, long, corny speech that would sound fake even though I would mean everything I said. So just go do your respective things that you do when it's someone's PPT anniversary. You have permission to throw things at me. :P


Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:23 pm

*Tosses cake your way* happy annversary, I didn't get you a present though... :)

Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:01 pm

*throws a shoe* :D

Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:17 pm

Congrats on the 3 year annversary! *Throws a tamatoe*

Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:11 pm

Congrats! *Throws a Patatoe*

Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:25 pm

Wow, three years. That's very cool! Congrats and here's hope to three more!

*tosses confetti*


Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:38 am

Happy three year anniversary to you! We can celebrate together! (Mine's the 7th. =P) It's so weird how long it has been.

Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:15 pm

*throws a toilet seat*

Gratz ;) (wonders what mine is... we shall see when i post this post!)

Edit - Funky dory, mines in 1 and a half month (as with everyone else who joined whent he forums were re-made ;))

Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:25 pm

3 years? Hm, time really does fly. Congratulations :)

Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:14 am

Yay, time to respond to posts! :D Let's see if I can avoid putting the :P smiley after every one...

Silencekity: I'll let it pass if you get me two for my birthday. That's in two days. April 8. XD

Christopher: Thanks, I've been looking for that for a long time! Where'd you find it? (Do I really want to know?)

Alisquid and WIS: Potato, patatoe, tomato, tamatoe, cicada...yeah. (I just had to do that.)

Jasujo: Heh...there was this thread on Gaia about missing real-life events because of online stuff, and it was titled "I'm not going to the prom, I'm going on Gaia!" and I'm like, "When my prom comes around, I'll probably be on PPT, not Gaia."

Ski: You're three years too? I usually don't know when other people signed up...if they're waaay before me, I usually know, but that's about it. Heh. Happy anniversary to you too then!

Zorg: ...I have no idea what I'm going to do with this toilet seat. XD Were you here before the forums restarted, or was that the actual day you first joined?

Hunter Lupe: Only when it's already gone by...every day I wait forever for school to get out. XD Actually, you've known me longer than wouldn't by any chance know when I first started hanging around IDNQ? XD

Fri Apr 07, 2006 4:49 am

I was using it in a shrine...

Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:16 am

*throws a Dried Bamboo Shelf

Congrats, you're now officially a 3 year old PPT member :roflol:

Though I lost track since PPT board was resetted, I remember I signed up for PPT not long after I started Neopets :P

Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:34 am

tymaporer wrote:
Zorg: ...I have no idea what I'm going to do with this toilet seat. XD Were you here before the forums restarted, or was that the actual day you first joined?

Yeah I was here before then, i dunno when i joined however.
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