Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:58 pm
In the time it takes you to read this, you could save a child.
If you've never heard of it:
Participants collect donations, then go 30 hours without eating to experience hunger first-hand. During the 30 hours, groups learn about global poverty issues and take part in a variety of activities to keep them busy.
It raises money to end world hunger. I urge you to donate. if you wish to do so, go here:
and for more information, go here:
Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:30 pm
Ahh, we did ours last week. I led the retreat with a group of friends as leaders and about sixty kids joined us for it. We raised around $3400.00. Good times.
Sat Apr 08, 2006 4:10 pm
I would donate if I hadn't thrown my purse in the pool without realizing that my wallet was in it. D'oh. So I'm broke.
Last year wasn't it the 40 hour famine? I've seen things around for this, but I've heard that this year its supposed to be a 29 1/2 hour famine. Guess it varies?
Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:11 pm
Jen wrote:I would donate if I hadn't thrown my purse in the pool without realizing that my wallet was in it. D'oh. So I'm broke.
Last year wasn't it the 40 hour famine? I've seen things around for this, but I've heard that this year its supposed to be a 29 1/2 hour famine. Guess it varies?
It is supposed to be 40, he must be lazy
Anyway, I don't like World Vision considering that the last time I did it the funds were eventually revealed to have been used on an African ministers wives holiday or something.
Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:10 am
Christopher wrote:Jen wrote:I would donate if I hadn't thrown my purse in the pool without realizing that my wallet was in it. D'oh. So I'm broke.
Last year wasn't it the 40 hour famine? I've seen things around for this, but I've heard that this year its supposed to be a 29 1/2 hour famine. Guess it varies?
It is supposed to be 40, he must be lazy

Did it used to be 40? for as long as i can remember, it has been 30 hours
Sun Apr 09, 2006 1:35 am
we had to do stuff like that for the Order of the Arrow stuff.... except we had "scant food" (a peanut butter sandwich, a warm apple and frozen milk, everyone called it 'scat' food...) and it was for... either around 24-30 ish hours, and we did work to help the owner of the ranch we had to stay at. And we couldnt talk.
Seems like a fun idea... i might do it once i get older or something...
Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:10 am
Its the 40 hour famine. Always has been here in NZ (though young kids tend to do a 20 hour famine due to parent issues with not wanting 5 year olds not eating for 40 hours)
Sun Apr 09, 2006 2:34 am
There are regulations on how long a school or something can sponsor a famine. It may differ from place to place, hence as stated, shorter famines.
In the end, I think it achieves the same thing, so I don't see what the complaint is. I know there's a signifigantly bigger difference between 20-40 hours, but depending on your age/health you may be affected differently.
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