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Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:33 pm

Would you ever get a tattoo? If so what of?

I want to possibly get cherries tattooed below my hipbone, but I am scared of the pain and will probably never go through with it :P

Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:16 am

I'll never get a tattoo. Never ever ever :P

Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:23 am

Just so you know, try to avoid getting tattoos on areas that are next to the bone (i.e. ankles, hipbones), because the needle can hit the bone and it will hurt like no tomorrow.

My mom got a tattoo on her left shoulderblade, and she said it felt fine because there's so much "meat" here. :P

Oh, and I will never freaking ever get a tattoo. Not only am I squeamish, I think it's kinda sick.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:25 am

Yeah, if a tattoo is done near a bone I've heard it can bruise the bone and hurt really badly -eek-

Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:43 am

In the next few weeks/months I am getting a heartagram tattooed on my right shoulder blade.

Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:19 am

I already have one. :D I love it loads! I had a fairy tattooed just below my hip bone. She's blowing glitter down towards my other hip. It did hurt quite a bit but it was bearable. If you do get a tattoo, either take someone to hold their hand or take a stressball, you'll want to squeeze! ... 5892_m.jpg

^^ My tattoo. :)

Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:46 am

Yes. Go tattoos!

Except maybe not. I fear pain.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:10 am

I'd love one, but I'm smart enough not to get one at my age. Whatever I might get, I know I'd regret it five seconds later.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:18 am

I most likely will never, ever get a tattoo but I was thinking the other day that one of a transmutation circle would be neat. :)

Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:06 am

My back ... not a great pic, but what can you do? using the self timer, then cropping, resizing and compressing.


If you're even considering getting inked, be very sure of what you're getting. Unless you later want to spend even more money and have more pain getting them lasered away. And even then, sometimes there's still a "shadow" depending on your skin color/type and the colors used/depth of needle.

And yes, on the bone hurts like nothing you've ever felt. The work on my middle back, when he got to the spine was unreal. That large piece took about 2 months of getting some done, letting it heal, go back, get more done, etc. The outline was done with single needle so that took forever!

But everything is custom, original art. My roomie actually drew the three "ladies". I wanted this done in greyscale with just the touches of color in the fire, the hourglass on the spider and the pearl the mermaid is holding.

I also have a special ankh on my right shoulder and the Nile Goddess in the spiral of eternity on my left ankle - those are fully colored.

Oh, and I didn't get my first tattoo until I was 40 ;)

Fri Apr 14, 2006 6:23 am

I would consider getting a tattoo if I could think of something to get that I knew I wouldn't get bored of at a later time - at current the only thing I'd even consider is a tattoo made of a mixture of flags from countries I have a connection to. I'd also have to get over the nerves about pain too but I'm usually pretty good at that, I make things so bad in my mind that when I actually go through with it is substantially easier than I expected.

Pretty tattoos Twinkle and everconfused :)

Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:09 am

I seriously considered getting a tattoo for a long time I'm not scared of the pain but having a tattoo isn't so great if you don't want people to recognise you. Also there are a lot of jobs that will not hire you if you have a one. I think I would get one of those 6 month tattoos but not the permanent ones. I think I would get a tattoo that had a personal religious meaning to me rather than something fun, "cool" or tough as a status symbol.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 12:11 pm

No, I don't really see myself getting a tattoo in the near future.

Fri Apr 14, 2006 3:37 pm

I would love to have a tattoo, but I have a really big fear of needles :oops:

Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:54 pm ... ednyah.gif

On my right shoulder or on the right side of my bellybutton. Unfortunately, I don't like people sticking pointy things into my skin.
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