My back ... not a great pic, but what can you do? using the self timer, then cropping, resizing and compressing.
If you're even considering getting inked, be very sure of what you're getting. Unless you later want to spend even more money and have more pain getting them lasered away. And even then, sometimes there's still a "shadow" depending on your skin color/type and the colors used/depth of needle.
And yes, on the bone hurts like nothing you've ever felt. The work on my middle back, when he got to the spine was unreal. That large piece took about 2 months of getting some done, letting it heal, go back, get more done, etc. The outline was done with single needle so that took forever!
But everything is custom, original art. My roomie actually drew the three "ladies". I wanted this done in greyscale with just the touches of color in the fire, the hourglass on the spider and the pearl the mermaid is holding.
I also have a special ankh on my right shoulder and the Nile Goddess in the spiral of eternity on my left ankle - those are fully colored.
Oh, and I didn't get my first tattoo until I was 40