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Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:20 pm
What are your thoughts on Tattoo's and piercings? Do you have any?
Personally, I love tattoos and piercings. It's such a different form of art! Plus, a lot of those tattooists out there are VERY skilled with their guns.
Me, I have 6 tattoos and 12 piercings.
Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:26 pm
I really don't care for them but some of my friends have them and I think it looks cool.
If you want one, go for it.
Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:30 pm
I don't want a tattoo. ._. 1) I hate needles, and 2) when you get old and crinkly (like Jas's age

[JK]), the tattoo becomes... gross.
Sun Apr 23, 2006 10:50 pm
I love tattoos and piercings. I have my earlobes, helix, nose, eyebrow and lip pierced. I don't have any tattoos yet, but I'm going to get one when I save up the money and stop spending it on other things. My parents really don't care whether I get tattoos and piercings or not, because it's my body.
The amusing thing is, I'm terrified of the needles used to draw blood, but not tattoo or piercing needles.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:22 am
I have a tattoo above my right ankle
I'm getting a bar code put on my wrist as soon as I figure what product I want to be, and one of my arm of a dream catcher (need funds for that).
Piercings are going to wait for when my friend gets the proper studs for her gun (yes she's had training), she can pierce almost anything with it. But I'm just getting my cartilage pierced and my nose.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:45 am
I think I could handle getting some of the more extravagent piercings (nose, upperearlobe, etc) but I'm far too fickle when it comes to tattoos. I'd get one, then a few weeks later I'd be like: "...I hate this design, I want a new one!".
Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:03 am
EvilPickle wrote:I think I could handle getting some of the more extravagent piercings (nose, upperearlobe, etc) but I'm far too fickle when it comes to tattoos. I'd get one, then a few weeks later I'd be like: "...I hate this design, I want a new one!".
this is why there's an invention called Henna (just don't use black henna as it leads to skin burns/deterioration)
Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:06 am
My bellybutton is pierced, but that's it for me.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:08 am
I want to eventually get an eyebrow piercing, but my mom would
murder me. Oh well.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:18 am
Xela of Xandra wrote:I want to eventually get an eyebrow piercing, but my mom would
murder me. Oh well.

Murder isn't legal where you live? Dang...
Anywho. I abhor pain; thusly, piercings are not my friend. Not to mention, being an art student who spends a lot of time around things that could get caught on piercings... piercings just don't make sense. I do have my ears pierced, but I have to take those out when I do things like sculpture; and thats just a bother.
Oh well.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:38 am
ahoteinrun wrote:EvilPickle wrote:I think I could handle getting some of the more extravagent piercings (nose, upperearlobe, etc) but I'm far too fickle when it comes to tattoos. I'd get one, then a few weeks later I'd be like: "...I hate this design, I want a new one!".
this is why there's an invention called Henna (just don't use black henna as it leads to skin burns/deterioration)
Aah, I forgot all about henna.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:34 am
EvilPickle wrote:ahoteinrun wrote:EvilPickle wrote:I think I could handle getting some of the more extravagent piercings (nose, upperearlobe, etc) but I'm far too fickle when it comes to tattoos. I'd get one, then a few weeks later I'd be like: "...I hate this design, I want a new one!".
this is why there's an invention called Henna (just don't use black henna as it leads to skin burns/deterioration)
Aah, I forgot all about henna.

I got henna in Singapore because it's really cheap. o_o
Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:30 am
BeDeviled wrote:Piercings are going to wait for when my friend gets the proper studs for her gun (yes she's had training), she can pierce almost anything with it. But I'm just getting my cartilage pierced and my nose.
Err I don't mean to interfer but piercing guns can be really dangerous, whether used correctly or not.
I'm not saying your friend doesn't know what she's doing but the risk is really high either way. I wouldn't want you to get a bad experience.
I love piercings and tattoos. I have one tattoo and I plan to get it extended. The only types of tattoo I don't like are the meaningless ones that people get. *shudder* If I ever got any more tattoos, I'd have to link it in to my original somehow as I want the art on my body to have a theme.
I also have piercings. I have my belly button done twice and my ears done twice. I'm planning to get a third belly button piercing with my next pay cheque and my tongue pierced when my braces come off to celebrate.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:19 pm
Tattoos... no thanks. Henna's great, but there's a chance I'll get attached to the tattoo and be sad when it fades away- too temporary. Real tattoos, on the other hand, last for life, even if I get sick of them- too permanent. They need to make tattoos that don't fade after any amount of time like real tattoos, but can be taken off easily if you start hating them. Which is kind of impossible.
Piercings... I don't even have my ears pierced. However, in the future I'd like to get two ear piercings on each ear and maybe a bellybutton piercing- it depends.
Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:10 pm
Twinkle wrote:BeDeviled wrote:Piercings are going to wait for when my friend gets the proper studs for her gun (yes she's had training), she can pierce almost anything with it. But I'm just getting my cartilage pierced and my nose.
Err I don't mean to interfer but piercing guns can be really dangerous, whether used correctly or not.'m not saying your friend doesn't know what she's doing but the risk is really high either way. I wouldn't want you to get a bad experience.
I'm not getting anything done that should actually be done at a body piercing place. Just my nose and upper ears that they use to do with guns a few years ago.
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