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Who do you want to go to Round 2?

Detroit Red Wings
Edmonton Oilers
Carolina Hurricanes
No votes
Montreal Canadians
Calgary Flames
Anahiem Mighty Ducks
Buffalo Sabers
Total votes : 10

NHL Playoffs (Round One)

Mon May 01, 2006 11:29 pm

Alright, yea, this is a lil late, seeing as Round One of the playoffs is almost over, BUT, for whats left, who do you hope moves on?

Me, even though I live in Calgary, I hope Detroit moves on, if not, I hope Calgary and Edmonton go at it in one of the Round, for a good old Battle of Alberta.

But what do you guys think?

Also, Ottawa, Colorado, San Jose and New Jersey won Round One, so they will not be in the poll.

Mon May 01, 2006 11:35 pm

I have to go for Buffalo because:

A) Their minor league team is based in the city I grew up in
B) The rest of my family would disown me :P

(Now if only Buffalo would bring back the old school blue and yellow uniforms! Then I'd have a third reason to pick them!)

Tue May 02, 2006 12:33 am

Only because I hate Calgary. The battle of Alberta would be awesome.
But I suppose we should lose to Calgary. I mean we beat them so badly in CFL football all the time, it may only be fair.

Plus. This weekend when I went driving through Calgary and I almost died on the Deerfoot when some jerk with one of the flames banners hanging out his window cut me off... yeah... that makes me mad

(and on that note. The banners from Molson say "Molson proudly supports the Edmonton Oilers" HA HA!)



Oilers are through! HA HA! We just beat the best team in the league! HAH! GO OILERS! GO OILERS! You can't hear it, but I can! Cars are just screeching and honking through the city right now! WOOO!

Tue May 02, 2006 3:58 am

Yup, so Detroit is out. Sadly, my team sucks now.

But, I said to everyone at my work, that once I live in Calgary for a full year (Sept. 2) I will sport the Flames colors next season...looks like I'm going to have to do this.

And Ahoteinrun, you live in Edmonton? Wow, Crazy the people you meet from Neopets and can live so close to them, lol.

Looks like there might be a battle of Alberta for the 2nd round!

But, Edmonton might take the 2nd round if they are against the Flames, why? Because the track record between them leans towards the Oilers more then the Flames.

Wow, I just heard, this would be the first battle of Alberta in the playoffs since 1991!!

Well Ahoteinrun, may the best city win, lol. Personally, I hope you Oilers kick the Flames's buttocks! (God I hate living in Calgary)

Oh, and about the traffic here, yea, it TOTALLY sucks, I almost got hit walking across the crosswalk because someone was impaient!

Tue May 02, 2006 8:20 pm

i want the Montreal Canadians to win but i doubt they will. 2 injured players and their team is not all that great anyways. Its a shame. I would like them to bring the cup home :(

Tue May 02, 2006 9:23 pm

I just hope ANY Canadian team will bring the cup home

Tue May 02, 2006 10:32 pm

I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.

Tue May 02, 2006 10:45 pm

Kidwaiy wrote:I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.

I'm from Calgary too, well, er...I live here, haha, I'm origionally from Manitoba, but, I still don't like Calgary, horrible city -.-

Wed May 03, 2006 1:49 am

Well Montreal Canadians got eliminated :( Its a shame

Wed May 03, 2006 2:30 am

I voted for Edmonton, since i was born there, but i didn't read all the teams. agh, i should have voted for the ducks! just because they had the best cartoon ever

Wed May 03, 2006 3:17 am

I'd rather play sports than watch them... and I'd like to keep my teeth.

Wed May 03, 2006 5:12 pm

Anahiem Mighty Ducks because they are the only team I am interesting in and also because they haven't won a championship yet.

Wed May 03, 2006 11:37 pm

chi_chi1548286 wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.

I'm from Calgary too, well, er...I live here, haha, I'm origionally from Manitoba, but, I still don't like Calgary, horrible city -.-

What! I love Calgary but now I live in Brampton, Ontario. (It's close to Toronto)

Wed May 03, 2006 11:49 pm

Kidwaiy wrote:
chi_chi1548286 wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.

I'm from Calgary too, well, er...I live here, haha, I'm origionally from Manitoba, but, I still don't like Calgary, horrible city -.-

What! I love Calgary but now I live in Brampton, Ontario. (It's close to Toronto)

I'm from Edmonton, i've been born and raised to hate Calgary. So... BOOO! BOO CALGARY!

Although I do want them to get into this series, simply so we can watch Edmonton play them (and hopefully) win! HAH!

Wed May 03, 2006 11:54 pm

ahoteinrun wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:
chi_chi1548286 wrote:
Kidwaiy wrote:I want the Calgary Flames to make it to the 2nd Round because I like the team and I am from Calgary.

I'm from Calgary too, well, er...I live here, haha, I'm origionally from Manitoba, but, I still don't like Calgary, horrible city -.-

What! I love Calgary but now I live in Brampton, Ontario. (It's close to Toronto)

I'm from Edmonton, i've been born and raised to hate Calgary. So... BOOO! BOO CALGARY!

Although I do want them to get into this series, simply so we can watch Edmonton play them (and hopefully) win! HAH!

Thats where your wrong, Calgary would win!
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