Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:39 pm
Just now I was using MSN Messenger and two (I think) girls im'd me and were like "Do u no me" "Don't you remember me" "It's Ashley and Allison, we used to come over all the time.." etc. Problem is I do not rember these two girls AT ALL. Is my memory just failing, or was this a scam of some type to get personal info out of me. They were asking questions that would have made me put personal information in and such, but like in kinda roundabout ways. I kept asking them questions and they just twisted my words around to try and get me to tell them personal information. I soon blocked both of them and tried searching the net for articles on this kind of behavior on instant messengers. Upon not finding anyting, I came to here, hoping that you may be able to help. Has this happened to other people before? What do I do? Thanks for your help!
Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:42 pm
Perhaps they simply mistook your addy for someone elses. They perhaps thought you were someone else. I doubt they'd try and get personal information from you, not like that. It just seems really far-fetched. It's good that you blocked them though, just incase.
Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:44 pm
Yeah, they probably got the wrong addres, or it's a prank. I once had somebody asking me about some very rude things, and I had no idea who they were
Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:08 pm
I told them what my first and last name is and they said they knew me. They also asked me some strange questions like "are you gay" and "are you bi" which I'm not, thank you
Upon further investigation, I gathered that one of them is in New Mexico by looking at their profile. Don't know if that means anything. They way they were talking to me made me think that they thought that I had moved to Maryland from New Mexico, which I havn't. I've never lived in New Mexico. Strange, ain't it?
Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:16 pm
spiffy_wiffy23 wrote:I told them what my first and last name is and they said they knew me. They also asked me some strange questions like "are you gay" and "are you bi" which I'm not, thank you

Upon further investigation, I gathered that one of them is in New Mexico by looking at their profile. Don't know if that means anything. They way they were talking to me made me think that they thought that I had moved to Maryland from New Mexico, which I havn't. I've never lived in New Mexico. Strange, ain't it?
Probably just a prank then.
Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:06 pm
spiffy_wiffy23 wrote:I told them what my first and last name is and they said they knew me.
NEVER reveal your personal information, be it your first or last name to anyone. It's too dangerous and you don't know what kind of perverts can be lurking on the Internet.
Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:22 pm
Hey something exactly like that happened to me the other day! They used different names though.
them: Hey Rikku! It's Rochelle!
me: Er, who?
them: Rochelle! You remember, we used to hang out all the time.
me: Sorry, I don't know a Rochelle.
them: Ashley told you to say that, lol. Hey, it's been a while since we talked.
me: Sorry, I don't know an Ashley or a Rochelle... Maybe you have the wrong person?
them: Heh, no. Ashley said you've been in a silly mood lately. We should chat on the phone again sometime.
And er, I made it very clear that I didn't know them. They just kept going on and on and on, and they tried to get my phone number, address, internet provider, cell phone number, where I work... All sorts of things. But they didn't just ask, they kind of.. Snuck around to it.
Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:27 pm
Probably just a prank. My friend did that once to someone, she IMed them and said, "Hey, it's (insertnamehere) from (some random nearby school). We met at that one track meet.." and played around with his mind. Just be sure not to give them any personal info, and you'll be fine. (:
Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:28 pm
I get that now and then too.
But its the "Hi, you look cool!" People that are the worst.
Tell me, do I
look like somone who likes talking to random strangers?
Wait, that's Myspace... Which makes even less sense come to think of it.
Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:44 am
Aw Spiffy! Didn't you know that it was me, you're old pal Snippy?
BTW: what's your social security number again?
Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:37 am
Ginger Harp Seal Pup wrote:Perhaps they simply mistook your addy for someone elses. They perhaps thought you were someone else. I doubt they'd try and get personal information from you, not like that. It just seems really far-fetched. It's good that you blocked them though, just incase.
It's happened to me before x.x
Someone added me, and after about 10 minutes, said that they were doing a class project on mother's maiden names. I totally didn't even catch what it was, and told them mine. Two minutes later, I'd been logged out. Luckily I was able to get back in time, but yeah. It wasn't good. Since then, my secret question has been something so obscure that nobody will ever work it out - and I'll know if they're trying to find it out, because it's not something that comes up in conversation.
Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:13 pm
Sounds awfully suspicious, if you don't believe you know them its best to go with your instincts and trust what you've been thinking (particularly when its "we've been hanging out together" - most people can remember their friends and associates). Giving out personal information on the net can be a little dodgy too, its amazing what sort of information you can get on someone with only a couple of details too (even with out a username if its unique enough). Just be careful.
Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:23 pm
Ammer wrote:spiffy_wiffy23 wrote:I told them what my first and last name is and they said they knew me.
NEVER reveal your personal information, be it your first or last name to anyone. It's too dangerous and you don't know what kind of perverts can be lurking on the Internet.
It was her first and last name. Unless she has a unique first and last name I daresay she isn't going to end up stalked and killed. Loads of people online know my full name. Meh.
Just a stupid prank, eh.
Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:00 pm
Igg wrote:Ammer wrote:spiffy_wiffy23 wrote:I told them what my first and last name is and they said they knew me.
NEVER reveal your personal information, be it your first or last name to anyone. It's too dangerous and you don't know what kind of perverts can be lurking on the Internet.
It was her first and last name. Unless she has a unique first and last name I daresay she isn't going to end up stalked and killed. Loads of people online know my full name. Meh.
Just a stupid prank, eh.
Be that as it may, if someone randomly messages you and asks you for a lot of personal information and you give them your first and last name, isn't that a bit dangerous?
Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:03 pm
Probably not. I'd say they would usually just be trying their luck.
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