Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:21 am
I haven't been sleeping for 3 days all becuse I was depressed of my parent's divorce. It's been bugging me why I can't sleep. I need a cure fast!! Help me before I get really sick!
Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:49 am
Try listening to some white noise. It works for me as it's calming and soothing. If you have a fan, put it on, because the sound a fan makes would be a form of white noise. Perhaps you could read a book too, before bed and only stop reading when your eyes start to go heavy. Trust me, they will in time.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:10 am
I don't have any soothing music. Does Classical music count as soothing music?
Thu Jun 29, 2006 11:40 am
Yurble the Kid wrote:I don't have any soothing music. Does Classical music count as soothing music?
Whatever makes you feel soothed and relax will work. If classical does that then play it.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:22 pm
I've found that some things on that site help.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:52 pm
I'm thinking of trying to drink some sleepytime tea before bedtime. If that doesn't work then, I'll try taping a piece of paper over the digital clocks in my room, and if that doesn't work, I'll try to nag my dad to get some soothing music cds and a cd player to play them.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:59 pm
I use to have massive insomnia, I use to do crosswords in bed after an hour or so I was able to fall asleep. staying asleep was a different story though.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:53 pm
Watch baseball.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:09 pm
shapu wrote:Watch baseball.
Best suggestion yet x)
Try to be physically active during the day. It'll take your mind off things and tire you out at night, so it'll be easier to fall asleep. Just go for a long walk or bike ride or something.
Soothing music is also a good idea. I have trouble falling asleep, so I made up a playlist of songs that calm me down at night and help me sleep, and I put it on after I turn the lights off.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:57 pm
My dad thinks that I don't have insomia but obsessing with that I cand sleep. That ticks me off becuase I have it and he doesn't beleive me!!
Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:28 pm
Yurble the Kid wrote:My dad thinks that I don't have insomia but obsessing with that I cand sleep. That ticks me off becuase I have it and he doesn't beleive me!!

That happens with me too. Once, I had a migraine. I have them regularly and I know this because I see flashes and weird stuff in my eyes before I get them. But nope, it was just a headache. Apparently.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:18 pm
Yurble the Kid wrote:My dad thinks that I don't have insomia but obsessing with that I cand sleep. That ticks me off becuase I have it and he doesn't beleive me!!

A lot of adults forget that kids get freaked out and get the same sicknesses that they do, like depression, stress anxiety, et cetera.
I can't tell you what to tell your dad, because it's not my place and I was never really any good with arguing the "Yes I do!" "No you don't!" kind of stuff with my folks.
Try to get some sleep. Figure out a way, use one of the tactics people suggest here. But let the rest of it sort itself out later.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:20 pm
I figured out why I am not sleeping. I'm depressed becuase my mom doesn't care about my family anymore. She doesn't call or e-mail any of my family andwhen we call her, she always seem to be busy and the worst thing is that she moved to New York just to get away from my family which really crushed my heart and she works for Beauty and the Beast: The Musical. *Sigh* I wonder if she loves me anymore.
Edit: It's noon where I live just in case you don't know.
Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:20 pm
Yurble the Kid wrote:I figured out why I am not sleeping. I'm depressed becuase my mom doesn't care about my family anymore. She doesn't call or e-mail any of my family andwhen we call her, she always seem to be busy and the worst thing is that she moved to New York just to get away from my family which really crushed my heart and she works for Beauty and the Beast: The Musical. *Sigh* I wonder if she loves me anymore.

I don't think she stopped caring about your family; she divorced from your dad, not the family (If that makes sense). Perhaps she needs space from your dad and if that means taking a breather from the family, than she's willing to sacrifice it. Divorce is a harsh thing to go through for any individual and you have to understand that while she may want to talk to the rest of the family, it would bring her in contact with your father which may upset her. As for her moving, I would think it's because of her job. A lot of musicals are in New York so perhaps the job was only situated there? This is what I'm going on, I could be completely wrong, completely right or somewhere in between. Just don't think negatively, it doesn't help at all.
As for your sleep anxiety, I would advise going to the
Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:55 pm
Sometimes insomnia (or other sleeping troubles) are made worse when you get to the point of worrying about not sleeping. You can't sleep, when you try to sleep you think about sleep and hence can't sleep. It's really a vicious circle. Same with sleeping troubles coming due to the fact that you're worrying about other issues in your life.
Only advice I can give is have a warm glass of milk and maybe a nice warm bath before bed. Try to get into a routine of how you go to bed, eg at about 10pm you brush your teeth, have a bath for 15 minutes, glass of warm milk and then you actually get into bed. Eventually you can theoretically "teach" your body that it is at this time that you must sleep.
At the moment its probably important that you also try and, at least, stay in bed once you're there. It might not seem like it but if you're body is really exhausted you may grab a few minutes of sleep here and there which is better than nothing.
Oh, and avoid caffeine after about 6pm, although it may not be the problem at the moment, it certainly won't be helping it.
If worst comes to worse and nothing improves definitely consider going to the Doctors. If you've got depression then the Doctor can identify it and either a) give you something for it or b) suggest ways that you can manage it. If you're simply not sleeping the Doctor might give you something to take before bed to help you sleep.
As for your Mum, she divorced your father, not you. I don't really know the circumstances but I'd say she still cares deeply for you. She has commitments with her (new?) job and she's probably just trying to attempt a few new things now that she's separated from your father. People all deal with divorce differently. I know it's difficult but try not to let worrying about it keep you up at night. Perhaps talking to someone like a Councillor or a very close (and understanding) friend during the day might help.
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