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What's your favorite kind of shoes?

Anything fasionable!
Total votes : 47

What's your favorite kind of shoes?

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:01 am

I like almost anything
But barefoot is great :D
(This does NOT go into shoe catagorey, does it :oops: )

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:11 am

Trainers. So I vote sneakers.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:46 am

My shoe collection once reaced the massive point of 60+.

I'm at 23 pairs right now. But I am still obsessed with shoes. Getting rid of all those shoes means I get to buy more...

To answer your question: HIGH HEELS OWN!! I like them as high and skinny as I can get them. I wear high heels almost every single day. I hate flats.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:23 am

Sneakers. But I call them trainers.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:54 am

I'm addicted to boots. I have three pairs but it's soon to be five. :D

Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:08 pm

I like boots. Haven't been wearing them that much because it's summer, but boots always make me look quite sexy, and I feel comfortable in them. I have a pair of black ankle-high stilletto heel boots, a pair of beige velvet cowboy boots and a pair of flat green velvet boots. It's one reason why I like winter hehe. I did have a pair of high leg boots which were brown and velvet with laces twisting round them, but they were so uncomfortable that I hardly wore them. My legs are too big for the high leg ones, yet they're too small for the boots that are made for bigger women.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:58 pm

I choose sandals, just 'cos they're the closest things to flip-flops. I own like 10 pairs of flip-flops...I love them!

Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:34 pm

I like sneakers and boots, but I put sneakers because I wear them more often.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:58 pm

I love sneakers. I rarely wear anything else. I usually get a pair of Vans whenever I go shoe shopping because they're my favorite brand and last a LONG time. Plus, they're all wide enough so they're comfortable for my feet. I can't stand high heels, though - they hurt my feet and I'm so clumsy that I always nearly fall on my face a few times while I'm wearing them. :P

Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:12 pm

I live in Florida.

Sandals FTW.

Also, it's hard to find sneakers that fit me, and sneakers usually hurt my feet if I wear them for more than an hour.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:25 pm

I voted for "anything fashionable".

I like to keep up with the trends but add my own personal twist. Right now were I am pumps are really "in" so I went shopping today and bought a few pairs.

Though I also love boots, I also bought some boots today. ^_^

Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:35 pm

Boots! I loooove boots. Heeled or platform boots, though.

I can't stand anything without a heel, as I'm short and like to feel a bit taller. :)

Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:36 pm

Sneakers, probably. :) That's what I wear the most.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:46 pm

I chose bare feet, but really my favorite things to wear are socks. I love wearing just socks around my house, or around other people's houses. It's harder to step on stuff and break it when I'm barefoot.

Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:50 pm

I only wear basketball shoes. Those are all I have and all I like.
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