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Getting in shape this summer.

Tue Jul 18, 2006 4:12 am

I've been offline for over a month. In the last couple of months I have lost about thirty pounds. I think I've put on some muscle and now I need to up my workout to get over the plateau I've reached and lose more. Anyway, I've missed getting online a lot, but l'm starting to actually like working out and seeing myself get thinner. Maybe one day I'll post a before and after picture of myself.

If anyone has any recipes I can try that are good protein and low fat let me know. I'm getting tired of eating chicken! But my sister, who is really into body competitions and stuff is helping me with my diet. It is very good, and I am not hungry, but I do get tired of the stuff. Mostly I eat a lot of chicken and turkey for protein. I eat some cereal and four egg whites for breakfast. Then at lunch I have chicken or turkey. Sometimes I go to subway or eat a lean cuisine. I drink a lot of water now. I like cottage cheese too.

So far I work on the treadmill for 20 minutes, the eliptical for 10 or twenty but not fast, it is hard! And then I do a spin bike for 20. I just don't go very fast yet. She wants me to run but it is hard for me still. I usually go around setting three and three on incline. And around 70-80 rpm on the bike but I can get up to 100 for short bursts. Hopefully I can get faster later.

Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:02 pm

Have you considered adding fish to your diet?

Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:38 pm

I remember in gym class when we tried getting the bikes up to 200rpm. But I don't think it was possible. The fastest anyone ever got was 185-190rpm for a few seconds before they burnt out.

Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:12 pm

shapu wrote:Have you considered adding fish to your diet?

Well my sister loves salmon and tuna (and even eats it raw in sushi from time to time) but I just don't like fish as much. Plus, I don't like washing out stinky fishy tuperware.

I tried talapia, but the kind I tried tasted like it came from a dirty river or something. I guess I am afraid to try that again. When I was taking a nutrition class they mentioned the possibility of getting too much mercury and to limit fish to like once a week. I like tuna sandwiches probably better than any of it, but I had so many as a kid, and I never really liked tuna then either. Now and then I actually get a craving for it, but otherwise I don't eat it unless I think about it.

I tried protein shakes and they aren't bad. I just feel like I am eating too much meat now and getting tired of it. I bought some boca burgers and some morning star burgers. I liked the morning star ones better. I figure I'll try to stay away from red meat and try to substitute with ground turkey or just buy veggie meat. I am starting to think the veggie meat tastes better than turkey.

Any vegetarians out there have any suggestions for stuff I sould be on the look out for? I'm willing to try new things.

Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:17 pm

smudgeoffudge wrote:Any vegetarians out there have any suggestions for stuff I sould be on the look out for? I'm willing to try new things.

You mean like fake meaty stuff?

I dunno if it would be relevant, but I get some (more like 1/3..) of my protein from beans..but I don't know how effective it would be to loose weight..?

The only real tip I have is maybe you should consider cutting out dairy. I did, and I've begun to loose weight. Its been around two months since I stopped, but I've also begun exersizing. Then again, I also used to eat cheese everyday, so no wonder I'm not as fat. XD

Anyways, regardless of what you do, keep it up. I hope I can soon say I've lost 30 pounds. :) Good luck!

Tue Jul 18, 2006 11:58 pm

Yeah, I am happier these days. Today I got back into my "skinny pants" which really aren't skinny at size 15, but it is a start. :)

Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:14 am

Well, if you need any advice or anything from a vegitarian, just ask me

and congrats about getting down to your skinny pants. I love that feeling :)

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:09 am

Chik Nuggets are a decent meat-like product - I think they're from morningstar.

For protein, consider adding tofu to your diet. Find a thai restaurant, they tend to have decent tofu dishes, to give you an idea of what can be done with even the most basic of tofu preparations.

Don't bother with tofu hot dogs - they'll just make you ralph.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:26 am

shapu wrote:Chik Nuggets are a decent meat-like product - I think they're from morningstar.

Have, to agree with you there, Shapu. My daughter went vegetarian--not really for health reasons, but more for animal rights reasons. And she's only 13. She loves Morningstar Farms products (and hey, they are named after me!!!!!! :roflol: ). In fact, their burgers taste almost like a real hamburger, without the fat. She also liked Burger King's Vegetarian Burgers.

But, please if you give up dairy, don't give up calcium. I am 48--which to a lot of you may seem old, but to others it might seem like I have a few good years left--and I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 8 years ago. Which usually doesn't hit people until they are much older. I never, ever drank milk as a child. Ever. I am lactose intolerant and didn't realize back then that I needed calcium. So, learn from my mistakes. You absolutely have to have calcium in your diet. Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium. But, if you are giving up dairy, there are lots of other sources of calcium out there. Including little low-calorie candy-like chews called Viactiv.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:48 am

smudgeoffudge wrote:Any vegetarians out there have any suggestions for stuff I sould be on the look out for? I'm willing to try new things.

Vegan here!

Try Yves brand tofu dogs. They have 45-50 calories each. The veggie dogs have significantly more calories, so I have never tried them, but some people prefer the taste. They are best eaten (in my opinion) pan-fried in a bit of low-cal cooking spray with the condiment of your choice.

Morningstar Farms brand "Griller Vegan Burgers" are intensely delicious and microwavable at 100 calories per patty.

Health is Wealth is another great brand that makes Chicken-Free Nuggets, which have 40 calories apiece (three is a serving and plenty to fill you up.) These are microwavable. :D

Those are basically the two best protein options I've come across, but there are plenty more that may suit you better. Check out those brands for other great options- Yves and Morningstar Farms can be found in many conventional grocery stores, and Health is Wealth can be found in most health food stores. Amy's brand is also great for convenient, mostly organic vegetarian cuisine.

Only 2% of vegans are obese, as compared to over a third of Americans. I really think it's the way to go. ;)


Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:51 am

Basically, what I've done is just cut out little stuff, and worked my way up. Replace the chips with grapes, replace the Pizza Hut with Subway, etc. I lost... ten pounds in six weeks or something? I don't really remember (I stopped after ten because I finally realized I was not overweight in the first place, and didn't need to lose any more weight). As mentioned, if you plan on cutting out dairy, find vitamins or supplements to replace what nutrients you'll be missing out on, as I'm sure you know you can't just completely stop eating every dairy product known to man without a second glance.

I can't be of much help, but good luck. *hugs*

Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:32 pm

Morningstar wrote:
But, please if you give up dairy, don't give up calcium. I am 48--which to a lot of you may seem old, but to others it might seem like I have a few good years left--and I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 8 years ago. Which usually doesn't hit people until they are much older. I never, ever drank milk as a child. Ever. I am lactose intolerant and didn't realize back then that I needed calcium. So, learn from my mistakes. You absolutely have to have calcium in your diet. Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium. But, if you are giving up dairy, there are lots of other sources of calcium out there. Including little low-calorie candy-like chews called Viactiv.

It's a bit offtopic, but poor you with the osteoporosis :( And so young to get it, too.

Re: Getting in shape this summer.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:56 pm

smudgeoffudge wrote:I've been offline for over a month. In the last couple of months I have lost about thirty pounds. I think I've put on some muscle and now I need to up my workout to get over the plateau I've reached and lose more. Anyway, I've missed getting online a lot, but l'm starting to actually like working out and seeing myself get thinner. Maybe one day I'll post a before and after picture of myself.

If anyone has any recipes I can try that are good protein and low fat let me know. I'm getting tired of eating chicken! But my sister, who is really into body competitions and stuff is helping me with my diet. It is very good, and I am not hungry, but I do get tired of the stuff. Mostly I eat a lot of chicken and turkey for protein. I eat some cereal and four egg whites for breakfast. Then at lunch I have chicken or turkey. Sometimes I go to subway or eat a lean cuisine. I drink a lot of water now. I like cottage cheese too.

So far I work on the treadmill for 20 minutes, the eliptical for 10 or twenty but not fast, it is hard! And then I do a spin bike for 20. I just don't go very fast yet. She wants me to run but it is hard for me still. I usually go around setting three and three on incline. And around 70-80 rpm on the bike but I can get up to 100 for short bursts. Hopefully I can get faster later.

Realistically, unless you're actually planning on properly building, you don't need to worry about getting a huge amount of protein etc a day. You're doing cardio exercises so a good healthy diet will do you fine.

A meal based around vegetables, with some meat such as poultry, tuna, (beef/pork is fine if its not a 12oz steak and you don't eat the fat) and then some carbs. I'm sure I don't need to explain what each of those will do for you. Essentially you'll want to reduce your carb intake somewhat, but otherwise eat healthily and you'll lose weight with all this exercise.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:01 pm

One of the best things you can do is cut out white flour products. Instead of white bread, eat whole wheat. Instead of white flour pasta, eat whole wheat pasta. Another one is to eat brown rice and not white rice.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:27 pm

ahoteinrun wrote:One of the best things you can do is cut out white flour products. Instead of white bread, eat whole wheat. Instead of white flour pasta, eat whole wheat pasta. Another one is to eat brown rice and not white rice.

And stay away from white chocolate too.
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