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Internet Explorer
Total votes : 46

Favourite browser?

Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:35 pm

If other, please specify.

not best, just the one you like the most and or use the most.

Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:48 pm

I mostly use MSN Explorer now. Because it's the one with all my awesome bookmarks. And also, it doesn't mess up some pages like Firefox does, so I don't use Firefox nearly as often. :P

Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:51 pm

Firefox all the way. And I'm not just saying that since it has been good and never got me evil viruses or because almost all the computers in the physics dept have switched to this browser. I choose it because IE has failed on that first category. Bad IE! Bad!

#2 Choice is IE because I don't like, have, use, or have little experience with and of the others.

Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:56 pm

IE would be pretty good if they could fix the scripting speed, and fix the security gaps.

It's actually just as fast, or faster than FF at most tasks.

But opera is the leader in speed

MSN explorer was great.
unfortunatly, I can't use it anymore [for various reasons, including I forgot where to download it :P]

Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:38 pm

I've tried:

IE (self explanatory with the virus problems, but I liked the layout)

Netscape (eh, at least it's better than IE, but very boring. At least it gets the job done.)

Opera (didn't care for the layout at all, very awkward to even look at)

Firefox (which I used now with the IE layout. Runs more smoothly than IE and the only problems I ever get are "closing down problems" which I got with every other browser, oh, and you can't view the Maple Story site on FF. :o)

Firefox for the win!


Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:40 pm

I picked Firefox because of the extensions.

I also like IE because it has stuff that FF doesn't, but I only use it if I absolutely have to

Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:36 pm

Safari is the only one I use.

Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:09 pm

I'm a firefox geek, I admit it.

I even have all sorts of fun bookmarklets for when I'm bored, like live CSS editors and the like.

Sun Aug 20, 2006 11:51 pm

Firefox all the way - IE is too buggy - maybe IE7 once It gets finished and not in beta will switch me but i doubt it

Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:14 am

Firefox! It's better than IE because with that one you get loads of viruses and pop-ups. With Firefix you get hardly any pop-up's at all. I dislike the fact that it messes some of the user lookups up on Neo though, but that's about it really.

I like the simplicity of IE and used that for ages before switching to Firefox. It's not got very good internet security though...

Opera I used only once and that was to keep refreshing the page in the hope that the Mootix I had in my inventory would attach to my pet. I found the browser too clogged up with stuff and the actual page didn't even fill up half of the screen...

I used the AOL one a little but again, like Opera, it was too clogged up with stuff. Generally just didn't like the layout either and I only used it because our internet provider is AOL.


Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:01 am

IE 4 evah!!!111oneoneeleven

I tried firefox, it crashes all the time for me for some reason.

netscape = boring

safari = WDF??

opera = also WDF??

Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:21 am

Opera 9.01 is sleek now.

nothing like the clunky 6.0 version [I just updated, so I still remember the difference]

fullscreen in opera can be good and bad.

good, because it's a real fullscreen, and takes the entire space.

bad, because you can't see the menus.

according to alot of sites [including], the order of awsomeness is like this:

firefox [not very far behind, because 2.0 is still a beta]
IE [behind significantly, because scripting is craptastic, same for security]
a bunch of random browsers, including safari
aol's browser.

I do suggest you read the article on

Of course, if you prefer one browser, no one can force you away from it ;)

unless it's aol.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:24 am

I voted Firefox, not because of security or anything (never have had those problems, pretty much), but because I just enjoy using it more, especially with the various add-ons and such.

Mon Aug 21, 2006 1:26 am

*points up* STALKING YOU

I tried Firefox, but it just wasn't for me, maaan. I vote IE :D

Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:18 am

Definatly Firefox. Not only for the virus protection, but for the fact that it has a billion extensions to suit everyone's needs. FireFTP, Adblock, just to list a few. It is very customizable. Tabbed Browsing is just so convieniant, it's not even funny. Firefox wasn't rated the #1 Product in PC World's 2005's top 100 programs, followed by Gmail. :)

The browser that follows firefox is Opera, following not so close behind ant number 40something.
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