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So, I heard you guys were lookin' for me?

Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:49 pm

Hello, for those who don't know me (99% of you, most likely), I'm Niten Hiroru. I was a regular of these boards about 3 years back.

Anyway, this morning I woke up and felt nostalgic, I came to the PPT boards for the first time in years. I did a few searchs, looking for people I recognized. Two or three of the more recent posts (recent being 2 months ago ;) ) included me...and where I've been.

Long story short - I quit Neopets. I gave it up, I severed contact with Neopets and anything to do with it. This included PPT. :(

Anyway, I'm just posting here to make the mystery of my dissappearance clear, mainly to anyone who knew me before the reset.

I'll be here all day, so I await your responses.

~Niten Hiroru.

Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:01 pm

Wow, Niten, long time no see. It's great to see some of the people from the past (especially the few I remember interacting with) come back and at least say hi. Hope you've been having fun, I know I have.

I also know Zero's been wondering where you are, so if she ever comes online...prepare to be attacked in her craziness or something.

Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:13 pm

Hey, welcome back.

Next thing you know Pidge is gonna show up.

Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:16 pm

shapu wrote:Hey, welcome back.

Next thing you know Pidge is gonna show up.

Oh man, if only, eh?

Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:45 pm

Oh wowzer! It's great to hear back from you! It's been such a long time! How have you been? What have you been up to!!!

Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:48 pm

Wow. It sure has been a while since the good ol' days of ASP and all that general nonsense. It's good to have you back!

Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:09 pm

haha yeah... what's news in your life! are you a rocket scientist?

Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:14 pm

Squee! *tacklehugs* Niten! It's great to see you! :D

I really hope you stick around; it's entirely possible to hang around PPT without being involved in the neopets stuff. I missed you!

Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:18 pm

PuddingofEvil wrote:Squee! *tacklehugs* Niten! It's great to see you! :D

I really hope you stick around; it's entirely possible to hang around PPT without being involved in the neopets stuff. I missed you!

Yeah, you could hang around the social boards like I do. I haven't been on Neopets in...some long period of time.
Maybe you could leave some sort of way for us to contact you before you go again? So we wouldn't have to worry that you were abducted by aliens or something, hehe.

Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:37 pm

We looked for you for quite a while. I know I tried to contact you asking questions about your account name and stuff. ASP missed you so much. We did our best to try to find you but we weren't able too.

Great you're back :-D

Hehe I also recently rejoined PPT, Looks at my post count xD from 4000 to 160 (or something). Hehe I find it funny now but I sure miss the gods board. I was easy to find tho. I am a moderator at IDB now :P

Tue Aug 29, 2006 4:44 pm

PuddingofEvil wrote:it's entirely possible to hang around PPT without being involved in the neopets stuff.

I've done it for about two years straight. =P

Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:13 pm

I've been looking for you periodically for two years!!! :cry:
Why'd you have to completely disappear like that? I thought you were dead! Jerk. :P

If you have an IM screenname or whatever, gimme, so at least when you vanish off the face of the Neopet world, I can still talk to you :P

Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:53 pm

Hey, Niten! I remember you. Welcome back! :D

And like everyone else said, it's definitely possible to be extremely involved in PPT and not be on Neopets. I haven't actively played in at least a year, but I haven't logged in in a few months.

Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:11 pm

Well, I haven't been up to much. I went to Costa Rica for 6 months on a vaction/work project. I only just came back a few days ago so I'm still woozy and sleep all day.

If anyone wants to contact me my MSN is (don't ask, I made it when I was like 11 years old).

Good to see people remeber me, and I'll be sure to keep in touch with all of you.

Sorry for disappearing Zero, can you ever forgive me? :(

Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:14 pm

That's cool, what sort of work project was it?
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