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Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:13 pm
Already December! I'm going to graduate in a few months
Aaanyway, I have a problem. I can't think up a christmas present for my mom. She gives me one every year, and somehow I always fail to give her something good.
Any ideas? Handmade would be the best
Fri Dec 01, 2006 10:23 pm
I'm getting my mum the new Take That that I can steal it for the utter cheeseness
Hmm. Chocolates are good - unless she's one of those weight concious people who, on recieving chocolates, tend to scream "OMG WHY DID YOU BUY ME THESE YOU KNOW I'M DIETING!!!!! :'(".
...Maybe a plant?
Fri Dec 01, 2006 11:06 pm
Tough one. What are her hobbies?
What crafty DIY-type things do you know how to do? That'll give me some idea of what you could make her.
Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:37 am
If you want to make it yourself.. how about.. some jewelry? Or a handmade ornament? That would be cool.
Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:25 am
I've always thought a nicely decorated handmade Book of Coupons is nice for parents. Like, things in there of "I'll wash the dishes for the day/week" and "I will clean up my room" and "one free hug" and "one breakfast in bed" and "I will cook one meal". And when your mom use one you can put it in ANOTHER scrapbook and date them (then give it back to her to show how good you've been). It's sentimental, but that also depends on your relationship with your mom....because mine usually ends up unused.
Hmm...what about a photo collage with a handmade nice frame? You can take all the pictures of you, your childhood, and you with your mom and make a nice decorated photo montage onto a posterboard or foam board with it. List events and put things like "do you remember when I_____?". Then when you go off to college, she can hang it in her room to remember you.
You can make her a "Mommy busy board" or bulletin board of so she can keep track of events. You can make one easily with a piece of light plywood, cloth (pretty fabric), and stuff with cotton on one side (the bulletin side). On the other side you can make it hangable but attaching some bent wire. Then hotglue include a calendar, a pens holder, a memo pad, a phone numbers directory, and whatever else you think is useful on the bulletin side.
Heh, I hope my instructions weren't too confusing...
Yeah, I need to remind myself to get my parents something this year too.
Sun Dec 03, 2006 3:48 am
Zilary wrote:I've always thought a nicely decorated handmade Book of Coupons is nice for parents.
One of the seniors last year did that for one of our teachers. It said something along the lines of, "This coupon good for Justin to shut up for one class period." It was great.
Cookies, or pie, or something food. The food channel (whastit called?) has plenty Christmas-themed items during December.
Sun Dec 03, 2006 4:43 am
Since I like writing...
Write a poem or something for your mom. You can put it on fancy and decorate it. I know my mom loves that stuff and still displays it after all of these years
Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:38 am
I asked her her hobbies.
"Hobbies? I don't have any hobbies." I freeze. "Oh, well, traveling and taking pictures! Alhough I haven't taken any yet recently...................."
Yeeees, was very useful. Why can't she have any hobbies for easy presents?!?!?
I can do knitting. And drawing. Baaaad at cooking and writting poems.
I tried the Coupon thing once. I wonder what happened to them? They were massage coupons. It took me ages to write it out.......
I gave her a drawing for Mother's day and she still has it on the fridge too.
Whew, a lot of 'I's
Zilary's sounds cool, but I doubt she'd ever use it.
Mon Dec 04, 2006 2:46 pm
If she likes traveling and taking pictures, do you have any, or can you get any on the computer. Maybe you could make a slide show from them.
Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:54 am
If she likes traveling and taking pictures; you could do something in regards to those. Maybe make her an album which she could put the pictures into? Or Just a board which she can hang on the wall which showcases her pictures?
Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:31 am
You could make some sort of a scrapbook with pictures of places from around the world (think National Geographic or something like that)
Or you could find a bunch of pictures with you growing up and get one of those picture frames that you can put a bunch of pictures in and do a timeline thing.
Hope that helped!
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