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Stop complaining about the cold.

Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:19 pm

I'd like to make a polite request that people stop complaining about their cold winter weather.

Consider my day!

It was quite hot today, but nothing extreme. However while I was at work (I work at a local grocery store called IGA) a nice young lady informed us that there was a big fire in the reserve behind us. Blue Gum Lake.

The reserve was like some aussie bush around a lake, and its pretty big but the lake one one half has completel dried up. The bush all caught fire and there was 50ft flames blowing across the road behind us, then i realised something!

I dont park in my work carpark, because its a series of small shops with 1 hr parking. I park in the rec centre, across the road which is embedded in bluegum lake.

Oh noes I thought.

O noes.

I took my break and ran out to see what was happening. Luckily, the smoke was blowing parallel to work & the fire, so I could see where I was going. The fires was right up to the carpark, so I ran to my (hot) car and parked it elsewhere.

When we checked out the fire later, the fire had burnt up to where I'd parked the car!

So stop complaining about your cold :P Its much better than uber fires, which needed 2 helicopters and like 8 trucks!

Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:36 pm

Oh my goodness! That's crazy! I'm glad you and your car are alright.

Cold weather can be teh suck as well. I was in the Seattle area during the big rain/wind storm earlier this month and was out of power for 2 days before I was able to leave my college to go somewhere there was power. The rain was falling so hard it looked like a giant waterfall over everything. There were floods and really really old, rooted trees being pulled out of the ground from the wind part of the storm (the giant tree that's been in front of our library for decades). The area I go to school didn't have power for something like 7 days. Even after 2 days, it was so cold that my roommate and I were laying in our respective beds, curled in our blankets to stay warm...we weren't sleeping. I had to do my cleaning using a little touch lamp because it gets dark at something like 4PM here. And that's just my personal story, there are many more.

Not meaning to disrespect your request, but cold weather is icky too. :P

Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:04 pm

Let me copy from a LJ post I made a couple of days ago..

I can't <i>breathe</i>.

This is my city, 15 minutes ago. No, that's not fog, or haze, or mist, or anything like that. It's smoke, from a couple of hundred kilometres (at least) away. And I'm about 40-45 minutes away from where that photo was taken.

Stupid freaking bushfires. At last count, there were 4000 firefighters fighting.. and that was what I heard a few days ago :/

I'm sitting inside, and not only can I smell smoke, but I can't breathe because of it, and my asthma is reacting to it. And of course we can't have the air con on as it will just drag it inside.

*collapses DED*
You can see photos of the Victorian bushfires here and here.

Please also note that these bushfires are at two opposite ends of Australia, 3000km away. What's scary is that bushfire season (in Victoria at least) is normally February. So there's a couple more months of this, and it's bad enough already...

Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:38 pm

Alex wrote:Please also note that these bushfires are at two opposite ends of Australia, 3000km away. What's scary is that bushfire season (in Victoria at least) is normally February. So there's a couple more months of this, and it's bad enough already...

In Feb?! You didnt tell me that! you said it would all be over by Feb!!!

Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:39 pm

Just because there's fires in some places doesn't mean it's not freezing cold here. There's so many weather problems in this world. When I get older, I'm finding another planet to live on. Maybe there'll already be civilizations...

Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:40 pm

...Wow. Who was it whose school burned down a while back? Wasn't it Requiem? (I think, anyway...)

Tue Dec 26, 2006 2:46 pm

Wow, that would've been bad. Good thing you decided to park it somewhere else. :P

Well, the weather is kinda bad here too. We haven't gotten much rain in the past... year, so Lake Travis is 20+ feet below full, and this is a 40-year low. Islands are popping up in the middle of the water where before there were none before.

Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:44 pm

We nearly had the AC on at one point during Christmas. Take that.

Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:06 pm

Tymaporer wrote:Just because there's fires in some places doesn't mean it's not freezing cold here. There's so many weather problems in this world. When I get older, I'm finding another planet to live on. Maybe there'll already be civilizations...

What she said, except that it's not freezing here (it's actually nice frorDecember). :P Colorado has had a god-awful amount of snow in the last couple of weeks, definitely enough to gripe about.

Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:31 pm

Okay, our weather has been much warmer than normal here in NY. We haven't even had any significant snowfall yet (with the exception of the blizzard Buffalo got). I'm actually begging for some cold weather and snow...I'm sick of all this rain.

Bring on the freezing temps, I need 'em!

Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:07 pm

I love rain! I guess that's a good thing considering that I live in the Northwest :P

Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:09 pm

Don't get me wrong, I love rain too. Just not in the end of December! :P

Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:10 pm

Oh. We get rain most months of the year. lol. (hoping for no rain during my June wedding)

Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:48 pm

We have cold winter weather? That's news to me.

Ugh. I was skiing today and it was raining the whole time. Except for a few times when it was snowing and raining at the same time for a minute or two. So much for that huge snowstorm we were supposed to get today.

It is not supposed to be this warm at the end of december >_<

Wed Dec 27, 2006 12:07 am

pinkflamingonewsgirl wrote:I love rain! I guess that's a good thing considering that I live in the Northwest :P

I love rain. It's my favorite weather. By so very far. New England's not great for's like there's a switch, and one side is boiling hot and sunny (maybe about ten days in the year), and the other side is freezing cold, possibly with snow, but usually not.

*makes a mental note about the Northwest*
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