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I'm returning on a jet plane

Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:44 pm

...well actually, that should read "I've returned on a jet plane"

Well, I'm back everybody. Though my internet here's a bit dodgy, so I won't be properly up and running for another week. Happy New Year everybody, I actually crashed out at about 10PM on New Years after being so jetlagged, for those of you yet to have New Years - I am writing this from the future. Be afraid, monkeys now run the planet and there are people everywhere whinging about dirty apes.

So Kenya was absolutely amazing, and I'll get to that in a week when I can upload some photos and show off how cool it was. Unfortunately half my films were stolen from me, including some really cool ones of a Zebra being eaten by a Lioness and her Cubs.

So, regail me of how much you all missed me or something :P

Re: I'm returning on a jet plane

Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:59 pm

the_dog_god wrote:So Kenya was absolutely amazing, and I'll get to that in a week when I can upload some photos and show off how cool it was. Unfortunately half my films were stolen from me, including some really cool ones of a Zebra being eaten by a Lioness and her Cubs.

...This sounds mysteriously like a certain flash video. Ha ha.

Sun Dec 31, 2006 11:40 pm

Ah! I remember your thread, you must tell us everything that happened. It was a really nice thing for you to do. Any online journal log or anything?

Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:38 am

No online journal, but it was compulsary for us to have to write a daily journal, so I'll go over that once I get home and get some photos uploaded and I'll take you through the awesomeness of Kenya.

Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:08 pm

Welcome back!

Going to Kenya sounds amazing. I can't wait for a report. :)

Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:54 pm

Now you have me singing that song in my head.

Kenya? Wow. Far away from where I'm at.

Did you see Madonna? :P
[I know, shame on me! Shame on me. Delete it if you must.]
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