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Pink Ink: Issue 28

Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:30 am

Pink Ink’s back! This issue features the lost episode of Anonymous Advice, the conclusion of Segacorn's Jewel, more of Matt’s excellent game guides, Lillie's guide to being a hero, and much more!

Thanks to our deeply brilliant staff for making this issue another great one! :)

Now, get reading!

-The Pink Ink Team
Last edited by Pudding on Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:42 am

Yay! New issue!



Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:29 am

Yay! Thanks to everyone for working so hard on this issue :) -confetti and balloons fall from the ceiling-

Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:40 am

Oh sweet! A new issue! Congrats guys! I'll post this on the front page so you guys get some exposureeee.

I think my favorite would have to be PPTers Say the Darndest Things. It always makes me laugh :) (and I do not like the constant allusion to my spammage ¬_¬)

Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:52 pm

Kym wrote:Oh sweet! A new issue! Congrats guys! I'll post this on the front page so you guys get some exposureeee.

I think my favorite would have to be PPTers Say the Darndest Things. It always makes me laugh :) (and I do not like the constant allusion to my spammage ¬_¬)

Why thank you very much. And you know, you could always just stop spamming... :P

Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:15 am

I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I encourage social discourse.

Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:50 am

Nice issue! I've never looked at PI much before, but lately I've been checking it out, and I really enjoy it.
Kym wrote:I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I encourage social discourse.

And I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I am a female, but that doesn't make it true. (Please, nobody tell my boyfriend or my mother otherwise.)

Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:46 pm

Thanks Kym! :hug:

Kym wrote:(and I do not like the constant allusion to my spammage ¬_¬)

But when it's attached to every one of your posts... =/

(I kid, I kid. ;))

Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:17 pm

Great job on this latest issue! I honestly don't read much of it normally, but after reading some of this issue, I think I may have to start reading it more. What I have read was great and I look forward to more! Keep up the great work! :hug:

Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:58 pm

Moongewl wrote:
Kym wrote:I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I encourage social discourse.

And I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I am a female, but that doesn't make it true. (Please, nobody tell my boyfriend or my mother otherwise.)

XDXD I'll bet anything that's going in the next edition of "PPTers Say The Darndest Things". If not...well...okay, I can't think of anything to say after "if not".

So yay, another issue of awesomeness! (I think I just went into "fanfiction reviewing mode".) I still hope you guys find the lost second half of that interview from last time. (Cause I'm in it. Hehe.) :P

Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:13 am

Tymaporer wrote:
Moongewl wrote:
Kym wrote:I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I encourage social discourse.

And I prefer and strongly encourage the belief that I am a female, but that doesn't make it true. (Please, nobody tell my boyfriend or my mother otherwise.)

XDXD I'll bet anything that's going in the next edition of "PPTers Say The Darndest Things". If not...well...okay, I can't think of anything to say after "if not".

Send it in and it might be. ;)

Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:59 am

Why Twinkle... you have a nekkid man with a strategically placed towel on your avatar!!!

Oh by the way, I've added the banner to PPT's front page to publicize you guys a bit more :)

Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:04 pm

I have never read it before, and I love it! Great job!

Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:33 pm

Kym wrote:Why Twinkle... you have a nekkid man with a strategically placed towel on your avatar!!!

Oh by the way, I've added the banner to PPT's front page to publicize you guys a bit more :)

Thanks a ton Kym - more readers means more people to experiment on! I mean- erm, look, cute fluffy kittens! -runs away-


If anyone would like to help out for this issue, or any other issue in the future you can PM any submissions to either me or Pudding :)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:49 pm

Bangel wrote:Bangel:

To Kill a Mockingbird. My God, that book was so incredibly boring. And both rushed and strung out at the same time.

WHAT!? To Kill a Mockingbird is a truly, truly amazing novel. Better than the malarkey you kids read today. :(
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