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Random things you've discovered.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:42 am

What random things have you recently realized? Give us a fact you've recently discovered.

The Live CD version of Ubuntu can not be run from a flash drive or a DVD.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:46 am

Cupcakes should not be made in front of a class full of people if you're not extremely familiar with the process.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:57 am

Never to eat "Papa John's" pizza, as no matter how long I wait, even 3 years, or how much I eat, it will always make me sick. >_>

(think it's the sauce...)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:22 am

Kugetsu wrote:Never to eat "Papa John's" pizza, as no matter how long I wait, even 3 years, or how much I eat, it will always make me sick. >_>

(think it's the sauce...)

Really? I love Papa John's. The best thing to do is to take that garlic butter sauce and completely drench the pizza in it. Best thing EVER.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:39 am

theonlysaneone wrote:Really? I love Papa John's. The best thing to do is to take that garlic butter sauce and completely drench the pizza in it. Best thing EVER.


*drools like Homer Simpson*

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:09 am

mayanspypilot wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:Really? I love Papa John's. The best thing to do is to take that garlic butter sauce and completely drench the pizza in it. Best thing EVER.


*drools like Homer Simpson*

I third that emotion. Best was when my brother worked for them and was able to get free pies occasionally.

Random things I have discovered: Random Simpsons quotes make math classes really fun. Answer to the problem, 4-pi. I say, 'Mmm, floor pie' (Boy-Scoutz N the Hood). All of physicists laugh. The teacher was confused. Good times.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:23 am

Skynetmain wrote:Random things I have discovered: Random Simpsons quotes make math classes really fun. Answer to the problem, 4-pi. I say, 'Mmm, floor pie' (Boy-Scoutz N the Hood). All of physicists laugh. The teacher was confused. Good times.

EVERYTHING is better with random Simpsons quotes. Whenever I'm with my sister and we reach a lull in the conversation, one of us says "Dental plan!" and the other one comes back with "Lisa needs Braces!"

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:24 am

theonlysaneone wrote:
Kugetsu wrote:Never to eat "Papa John's" pizza, as no matter how long I wait, even 3 years, or how much I eat, it will always make me sick. >_>

(think it's the sauce...)

Really? I love Papa John's. The best thing to do is to take that garlic butter sauce and completely drench the pizza in it. Best thing EVER.

I like it too (well, it's definitely not my favourite), and I also do that, but it makes me ill every time I eat it (with or without the butter. :P). Most pizza does, but Papa Johns made everyone in the house ill, then we bought it years later and it did it again. o_o

There's something they put in their pizza that doesn't like the stomach of anyone in my vicinity... I'm out to find it!

(well, okay, it's their sauce, it's stronger than most others... and I sometimes get ill when I consume things with tomato sauce (DEFINITELY can't have whole tomatoes) >_>)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:35 am

Skynetmain wrote:
mayanspypilot wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:Really? I love Papa John's. The best thing to do is to take that garlic butter sauce and completely drench the pizza in it. Best thing EVER.


*drools like Homer Simpson*

I third that emotion. Best was when my brother worked for them and was able to get free pies occasionally.

Random things I have discovered: Random Simpsons quotes make math classes really fun. Answer to the problem, 4-pi. I say, 'Mmm, floor pie' (Boy-Scoutz N the Hood). All of physicists laugh. The teacher was confused. Good times.

I love quoting Simpsons randomly, because there are so many quotes for almost any occasion. Like when I was watching the Oscars, and they had James Taylor, I was like "Wow, former president James Taylor!"

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:36 am

The sauce on Papa Johns pizza is quite different from the other major chains (Dominos, Pizza Hut). I think it's some kind of herb that they put in, like oregano or basil. It's something that makes it a bit zesty.

As for random things I have recently realized....

Chocolate covered cranberries are amazing!

Thu Mar 01, 2007 6:50 am

Hil wrote:... Like when I was watching the Oscars, and they had James Taylor, I was like "Wow, former president James Taylor!"

I do that one too far too often :P

Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:05 pm

Papa John's is the best. But I haven't had it in a couple of months because the Domino's is closer to our house (we could literally walk to it). Before it was built we would always get Papa John's, because it was the closest. :(

Anyways, as for me...

Never eat the pasta at UTA's cafeteria if they chop the garlic and not press it. (They don't even chop it fine enough, they just take a clove, chop it maybe 5 times, and put it in the pasta. x_x)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 7:15 pm

Randomly discovered?

That the confusion between the verbal and visual in allegory is that allegory is often misrepresented as historical and not at all presented in a modernistic sense in works of art. And that art is often suplemented by allegory whether or not those who are involved in the making of said art are aware of it.

Oh. You meant something fun.


I did discover that greenbeans and eggs go rather well together. But cravings are a funny thing that way.

Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:13 pm

If you throw carbon powder into a flame, it goes pretty colours :D (I think it was carbon powder anyway, lol)

Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:37 pm

jellyoflight wrote:If you throw carbon powder into a flame, it goes pretty colours :D (I think it was carbon powder anyway, lol)

Whats more fun, is when you stick old pieces of hose into a copper pipe and throw it into the flames. Lots of pretty colors for a while.
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