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400 pound 7-year-old

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:19 am

Poor kid. I can't believe her parents let her get to this stage.

Peeves me off seeing videos like this. Luckily there was an update about her in the end.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:27 am

What I'd like to know is WHY in the heck is The Insider benefiting from that poor little girl? And why on earth did that happen? How could the parents let her get in such critical condition? Also, I wonder if she has a disease or something or her parents are just not being strict enough.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:28 am

They say she'll never walk again? That's HORRIBLE. Obviously, she's not butt-scooting through the store eating things, so her parents must be allowing this to go on. Were it up to me, she would be put in a hospital long-term, and I would send her parents to prison for child endangerment.

EDIT: Medli, had The Insider not picked this up, this probably would not have been brought to anyone's attention and she would have just died. At least now the parents are under some pressure to get her help.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:30 am

Kitten Medli wrote:What I'd like to know is WHY in the heck is The Insider benefiting from that poor little girl?

...Because that's what these type of shows DO? They make money off this kind of stuff. :/

You can't blame just the parents, they're not forcing the food down her throat, there is a such thing as free will.
Last edited by Hil on Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:31 am

theonlysaneone wrote:They say she'll never walk again? That's HORRIBLE. Obviously, she's not butt-scooting through the store eating things, so her parents must be allowing this to go on. Were it up to me, she would be put in a hospital long-term, and I would send her parents to prison for child endangerment.

EDIT: Medli, had The Insider not picked this up, this probably would not have been brought to anyone's attention and she would have just died. At least now the parents are under some pressure to get her help.

I guess you're right. *eats dirt*

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:37 am

oh good lord...
that poor dear girl.
That is a severe lack of responsibility on the parents part and possibly a glandular disorder.
HOWEVER, it is the parent's fault regardless, there are medications she most likely should have been on to control her (possible) disorder.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:44 am

*feels awkward connection due to her having the same name as me*

Yeah, it's pretty pitiful that it seems like they exploited her for media use, but I agree that if they hadn't, she would probably just keep ballooning until she died alone. I also understand that her parents at first may be feeding her due to maintaining a "healthy baby", but is that all necessarily "baby fat"?

Hmm, isn't there a disease as to the reason why she's gaining this massive weight? (especially since it doesn't seem like genetics...)

Do you think they'll do a lipo suction on her?

Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:58 am

From all the posts above me, I don't know what to say. I wouldn't do a diet, though. Too late for that. I'd do a surgery just in case the diet doesn't help fast enoguh I feel sorry for her. :(

Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:01 am

Zilary wrote:*feels awkward connection due to her having the same name as me*

Yeah, it's pretty pitiful that it seems like they exploited her for media use, but I agree that if they hadn't, she would probably just keep ballooning until she died alone. I also understand that her parents at first may be feeding her due to maintaining a "healthy baby", but is that all necessarily "baby fat"?

Hmm, isn't there a disease as to the reason why she's gaining this massive weight? (especially since it doesn't seem like genetics...)

Do you think they'll do a lipo suction on her?

I've heard of people gaining massive amounts of weight because of thyroid disorders, but all of that fat has to come from somewhere. She needs help NOW, and her parents just aren't giving it to her. The only thing they're giving her is way too much food, and they can't be trusted to ensure their daughter's safety.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:03 am

Theres honestly not a lot of information given in that video, I'm not sure what you mean by the update at the end Kym. What I saw ended with her in the pediatric hospital on a strict diet.

They don't talk about her parents, much less even show them in the video. They give no further reasoning for why she is so overweight besides the obvious reason, unrestricted diet.

Throwing blame around isn't going to help anything, whats the point in blaming the parents, or the little girl, or the neighbors, or anyone else who "should've stepped in." Its not gonna help Jessica and its not gonna help you to get all riled up over it. All you can do is look at your lives and your eating habits and those close to you and take better care of yourselves.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:08 am

Hil wrote:You can't blame just the parents, they're not forcing the food down her throat, there is a such thing as free will.

She was 200 pounds at 5. At 7, she's 400 pounds. She's too young to know the difference.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:12 pm

That is actually an old video. I saw the update on the insider a while ago. Jessica is now 9 years old and down to a little over 200 pounds. She needs a walker to get around because her legs are severely bowed outwards. She needs to have surgery to try and straighten out her legs.

It is an awful story and her parents should be to blame. a 200 pound 5 year old does not get like that on her own. She asks for food and gets it and I have seen video of her at 400 pounds throwing a hissy fit becasue she wants junkfood. And at 400 pounds thats alot of weight to throw around. I feel bad for Jessica, it doesn't matter if she has a medical condition or not no child should be allowed to reach that point. let alone 200 pounds at 5!

Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:22 pm

Hil wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:What I'd like to know is WHY in the heck is The Insider benefiting from that poor little girl?

...Because that's what these type of shows DO? They make money off this kind of stuff. :/

You can't blame just the parents, they're not forcing the food down her throat, there is a such thing as free will.

It is just the parents though. Where else does the food come from?

Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:47 pm

Poor girl. I hope she manages to lose the weight. No girl should have to carry that massive weight. Just think what it's doing to her.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 3:33 pm

sigh_driven wrote:HOWEVER, it is the parent's fault regardless, there are medications she most likely should have been on to control her (possible) disorder.

Oh everything is always the parents fault isn't it!
I won't go to school, but does anyone stop to as themselves "Hmmm, I wonder why that is" No, course they bloody don't it's my sodding parents faults!
They get me in and I sit there half nekkid waiting, just waiting for the stupid deputy head to wander off for five minutes so I can go right back home again.

No, little sigh, not everything is the parents fault.
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