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Wags the Dog Saved my Life.

Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:02 am

Thats right guys, Wags the dog saved my life.

And I finally found time to come onto PPT again!

For those of you who know, and I guess those who dont, I just moved to Melbourne to go to University! Rachel couldn't bear to be away from me, so she did aswell. But I totally said I wanted to first.

I am now a fully fledged University Student at Melbourne University! Even now, I write this fancy post in a prisoncell of a dorm room wearing a MU jumper! Totally rockin eh?

Oh, and the drinking. So much drinking o.O

I've been here for 5 weeks now, and whilst there are many hillarious stories to tell (my "Interior Decorating" after the Bachelor of Intoxication (with honours - shazam, or "Fire Hose Water Fights") I have picked the best story of my life to tell to you all, and to show i'm still alive.

Alive because of Wags the Dog.

If you're not australian, 8 years old, or a parent of an 8 year old, you probably wont know who Wags the Dog is.

But you probably will know who the wiggles are. If you dont, they're Australias biggest entertainment export. Google them if you will. Whilst the four skivied gentlemen are the main attraction, the wiggles have various freinds. Theres a dinosaur, a dog and a pirate. There may be more, I cant quite remember.

That dog, is wags the dog. So, now you understand the amazingness of how famous that dog is, you can begin to comprehend how awesome this story is going to be.

The less awesome side, is why I needed my life saving. I had an anaphalactic shock to something in my food, and well, that wasnt pleasant. But neverfear! Wags the Dog, drove me to the hospital!


He also said that the wiggles are so nice, its annoying.

Funky eh?

And hence I return!

If you dont understand how awesome that story was, just replace Wags the Dog with your favourite childhood tv show character, and marvel at the brilliance.

EDIT : And one of my astronomy lecturers is the guy who suggested Pluto shouldn't be a planet. I'm currently planning an "unfortunate accident" to befall him.

Re: Wags the Dog Saved my Life.

Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:07 am

sir zorg wrote:EDIT : And one of my astronomy lecturers is the guy who suggested Pluto shouldn't be a planet. I'm currently planning an "unfortunate accident" to befall him.


Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:35 am

My niece is totally jealous of you.

glad to see you around, i missed your wonderful sarcasm :hug:

Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:36 am

at this point, i would like to point out, that i live around the corner from zorg, and i phoned him and he said he'd had an allergic reaction and just needed to sleep. i said, did you want me to come round and make sure you're ok, and he said, no, i'm fine.

THEN i dont hear from him for 3 days!!! despite sending messages saying "are you still alive, please call/message/text back"

Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:54 am

Wags the dogs birthday is October 27th, make sure you send him a card aye?

Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:09 am

What was Wags the Dog studying?

Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:25 am

Christopher wrote:What was Wags the Dog studying?

Medicine i think

Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:55 am

Christopher wrote:What was Wags the Dog studying?

Wags the dog is going to be a doctor. He's a tutor at the college. :)

Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:23 am

I can contribute to this story. I know B2 from Bananas in Pajamas. He says B1 is a bit of a mean dude.
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