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Going to Quebec tomorrow!

Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:04 pm

Well, some of you may know that I have applied for a Quebec Explore program which would allow me to go to a French city/town for five weeks and take a University French course which would count towards my GPA.

So, after a while of waiting, I've been accepted and I will be heading to l'Université De Quebec Á Trois-Rivieres for five weeks! Unfortunately, it's a town and well, no night life really but we are having weekly trips to Montréal and Quebec so I'm really looking forward to those.

Anywho, I was asking, since I'm living on residence for five weeks with three other guys (Who I don't know), is there anything anyone can tell me as to what to bring? And I don't mean "Bring clothes, bring CD's, etc...", I know the basics and what not, but is there anything some of you realized while you were in rez that you forgot at home? I really don't want to be in residence realizing I forgot something which would've made the stay that much funner.

Just to let everyone know, here's the schematic of the apartment,

Last edited by Ammer on Fri May 11, 2007 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:16 pm

Dude you have a salon in your room? Your hair is gonna rock every day.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:42 pm

Well I forgot to bring extension cables, it depends on how many electrical stuff you plan to have in your room. I have a good 12+ but only one socket in my room. All I can say other than that is if you want to make life a bit easier, bring a door stop. That way people will walk in to your room and you'll get to know them better. And if you have a tv or games console in your room people will just walk in. Which is a bit annoying sometimes I must admit haha.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:05 pm

Yeah bring long cables for stuff. Also remember to bring a clock.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:09 pm

Captain Insano wrote:Well I forgot to bring extension cables, it depends on how many electrical stuff you plan to have in your room. I have a good 12+ but only one socket in my room. All I can say other than that is if you want to make life a bit easier, bring a door stop. That way people will walk in to your room and you'll get to know them better. And if you have a tv or games console in your room people will just walk in. Which is a bit annoying sometimes I must admit haha.

You moan about people going in your room and yet you prop the door open?! *sigh* You're a lost cause.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:02 pm

Captain Insano wrote:Well I forgot to bring extension cables, it depends on how many electrical stuff you plan to have in your room. I have a good 12+ but only one socket in my room. All I can say other than that is if you want to make life a bit easier, bring a door stop. That way people will walk in to your room and you'll get to know them better. And if you have a tv or games console in your room people will just walk in. Which is a bit annoying sometimes I must admit haha.

Hm, I was debating on bringing a television but I don't think I will. It's only for five weeks and there is a common room with television anyways.

But the door stop thing is pretty cool.

Dude you have a salon in your room? Your hair is gonna rock every day.

Of course, that's how I roll.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:21 am

Nessa wrote:Dude you have a salon in your room? Your hair is gonna rock every day.

Le salon is "the living room" in French. :P

Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:13 am

An extension cord is definitely important to bring.

I would also suggest bringing multiple towels. Unless you enjoy reusing the same towel for a week or doing laundry every other day, extra towels are almost as convenient as ramen.

And we all know how important ramen is to a college student...

Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:59 am

You might want to check with the residence hall first before you bring an extension cord, because most will only allow power strips with surge protectors (since extension cords are more vulnerable to causing fires).

Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:10 am

Dragonfire wrote:You might want to check with the residence hall first before you bring an extension cord, because most will only allow power strips with surge protectors (since extension cords are more vulnerable to causing fires).

Not only that, but they may not use 110 voltage, if its 220 voltage, you'll probably just want to pick something up over there instead of bringing it with you.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:10 am

For the extension cord, I don't know how that would benefit me? I mean, I'm not bringing a television or anything. A stereo at the most.

M. Bison wrote:And we all know how important ramen is to a college student...

Well, there is a meal plan there, I could just buy whatever food I want on the meal card. But despite that, I think I will pack some additional food items.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:12 am

Ammer - its probably a good idea for those 'just in case' moments.

Yoshi wrote:
Nessa wrote:Dude you have a salon in your room? Your hair is gonna rock every day.

Le salon is "the living room" in French. :P

Lol, I couldn't resist. :D Thanks for clarifying what it really is though. -never took french.-

Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:57 pm

Though extension cords are good, be sure you have long Ethernet and Coaxial (TV) cables just in case. I don't know how doing your laundry would work, but be sure you have detergent and a basket to carry your clothes in. A small basket for your toothbrush and stuff might be handy too, but that might be more of a girl thing. Also, try to find out how good the lighting is in there...if it's not too good, a lamp might be useful. A trash bin could be useful if there's none in the dorm as well.

If you were staying longer I would HIGHLY recommend decorations of some sort, but if it's only five weeks it's probably not worth it.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:06 pm

This may sound random...

but always have a deck of cards and some board games. There were many nights my roomies and I were bored to tears because we didn't want to / couldn't go out. Board games are great if you have the right ones (Cranium, Imagine Iff, Clue, Monopoly, and Trivial Pursuit). You'll feel like a tool having them at first... but pretty soon on those long nights someone will want to play.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:50 pm

My suggestion is if you are having thoughts about something, bring it. There have been many times where I've considered taking certain things like on vacation and decided at the last minute not to take them....boy did I end up kicking myself for those decisions.
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