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Geekiest Object you Own

Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:08 pm

Come on, nobody be shy.

What's the geekiest thing in your possession. I'm hoping for the general definition of geeky, meaning anything Sci-fi, electronic and so on.

Mine is probably my lightsaber, kept by my bed in place of a baseball bat in case any burglar comes along.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:15 pm

Heh, I have a lightsaber too, but it's not one of those fancy ones. It's one of those ones with multiple sections so you can pull it out and push it back in. But I think the prize goes to my Star Wars earrings. I have R2-D2 (I wore those to Vethie's house last I saw her), C-3PO's head, and Darth Vader's head as earrings. No joke. :P Probably the most amusing birthday present I've ever gotten.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:17 pm

Can't really think of anything, but I suppose a few magic cards that my friend gave me and the ancient mew pokemon card that was given out at the cinema? I'll probably remember something after I've gotten some inspiration from here :P

Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:07 pm


I have a Jesus action figure?

Or how about Multiple Optimus Primes from different shows?

An army of Lego knights?

Endless Anime stuff as well.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:19 pm

My calculator? (that I <3)
Rubik's Cube? (heh, it's actually sparkly :P (my clear nail polish died, and I couldn't be bothered to go buy some, and apparently when I was little and actually wore nail polish I only wore sparkly stuff))
Various college math textbooks that I've gotten for free at camps?
Various (way too big, since apparently all geeks are about 6 feet tall) t-shirts from camps I've gone to?
My chem geek t-shirt?
Lots and lots of mathcounts/chess trophies? (not really geeky themselves, but showing my geekiness)

Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:42 pm

Christopher wrote:Or how about Multiple Optimus Primes from different shows?

Unicron choke slamming Primus, while Several Beast wars Megatron(...s) watch on.

A shelf full of RPG's, Several D&D books, a notepad full of scribbled notes about Demi-liches inhabiting Adamantium Golems, Drawings of a city Golem powered by an infernal furnace, stats for the Demon Prince Setekh (Lord of Entropy and decay, master of the seven hundredth layer of the abyss) Ocassionally I'll steal my brothers guide to the worlds of star trek (Although to be fair it is fairly accurate for know planets and stars as well) and on my computer are notes for a Sci-fi story that can be described only as "Epic".. and Insane. Epic and insane.

Numerous Sci-fi books inhabit my book shelves, mainly by Stephen baxter

Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:45 pm

A laser, it's like a real lightsaber and can pop balloons and light matches heh.

< nerd

Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:50 pm

A water Pokemon badge from a tournament.

Yeah, I have my TI-89 calculator with Tetris and Mario on it. 3 shelves of manga/anime. The whole series of Animorphs including the Megamorphs and Chronicles. Uhh...that's all I can think of for now.

Oh yeah, I have a "I <3 Nerds" pin from Hot Topic. Does that count?

Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:32 am

I have a charzard keychain cause I think it's cute, my lil bro is into pokemon

RPGs like Neverwinter nights, Morrowind and Oblivion

Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:06 am

Where to begin...

Tons of Star Wars stuff, including a Star Wars fan club card where Lucas himself decreed that I am an official Jedi Knight and tons of comic... in chronological order... No lightsabers though
Tons of anime stuff, including every Gundam from Endless Waltz and an Excel Saga metal lunchbox
A: bookcase, large box, and overloaded chair full of GNs
Neopets plushies
Some Star Trek stuff, including an older edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia which I read cover to cover
Sudokus out the wazoo
Large stacks of physics and calculus books
A small-ish amount of Pokemon stuff
A fair amount of Final Fantasy stuff
All sorts of CCG cards
An Albert Einstein action figure complete with puffy hair :D

I think that is it. Geekiest would be either my Jedi Knight card or Einstein.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:33 am

Skynetmain wrote:An Albert Einstein action figure complete with puffy hair :D

You win.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:54 am

Well I still "own" a bunch of stuff that wasn't geeky when I was a child (but definitely would be now), but they've since then been lost somewhere that I can't find them. :P

Um... I have thousands of Magic Cards, as a general guess. Not sure what else I'd call geeky. A few manga and anime?

Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:56 am

pipsqueeek wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:An Albert Einstein action figure complete with puffy hair :D

You win.

Nah. Albert Einstein is pretty mainstream. Lots of students have posters/amusing items that deal with him.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:20 am

ahoteinrun wrote:
pipsqueeek wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:An Albert Einstein action figure complete with puffy hair :D

You win.

Nah. Albert Einstein is pretty mainstream. Lots of students have posters/amusing items that deal with him.

Agreed. He is all over h-bar and the rest of the physics dept and I always see the figure in the campus bookstore.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:30 am


Would it be my collection of Sharpies for drawing on everything I own?
My Psychology textbook that I kept for my own reading pleasure?
My vampire cape, biker gloves, cat ears, and ruby slippers?
My collection of fantasy books that has overflowed from two bookcases into a box on the floor?
My collection of "free AOL trial" CDs that's strung on wire across my room?

I'll have to get back to you on this one.
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