Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:27 pm
This thing's real fun. I might make a Starfire one. ... 4846/57408
I might not be Canadian, but hey, Canada still fought! *runs off to make a Starfire one.*
Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:38 pm
Ah yes...that thing. I love that thing...*makes a gothic me*
...*can't post it because domaindlx is acting up says "user not found"...was my account deleted? *freaks* I'll go check to see if my set shows up!*
Wed Jul 21, 2004 8:41 pm
tymaporer wrote:Ah yes...that thing. I love that thing...*makes a gothic me*
...*can't post it because domaindlx is acting up says "user not found"...was my account deleted? *freaks* I'll go check to see if my set shows up!*
Your set's working fine for me.
Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:25 pm
Sweet. It took me five minutes to find a mouth that didn't make me look like a fool.
Wed Jul 21, 2004 10:25 pm
I loved that thing when I discovered it a month ago.
It's much prettier than how I really look, let me tell ya that!
Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:34 am
I haven't cut my hair or dyed it black yet, but I'm going to:
I look like Bjork ^_^
Thu Jul 22, 2004 2:35 am
I did one. It was hideous. I didn't save it, to say the least. x_x
Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:21 am
A Stylized Chris. It looks like me from another dimension:
Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:58 am
This is really fun. I could do this for hours.
Me and Angel.

But I am fatter and I hardly wear my glasses.
Now I will make one of mom and dad and..
Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:06 am
You can see mine in my siggy. It looks like me, a little bit, exept, my ahir is slightly darker....
Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:06 am
I did one but it turned out horrible!!
Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:09 am
Twitchy, you can't link directly from their website, you have to upload the image to your own server.
Thu Jul 22, 2004 8:14 am
I changed it:
Alexedit: Please don't direct link from their site, it'll use up their bandwidth.
Portrait Illustration Maker wrote:When you want to use your icon with a bulletin board etc....
Upload to your server.
Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:14 am
I've made one a couple of weeks ago...I'd upload it, but PhotoBucket hates me at the moment...
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