Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:33 pm
-I have two middle names. One is my mother's last name. The other is Vitoria, which is the Spanish equivelant of Victoria (I think).
-My dad wanted to name me Sabrina. My mom objected because she thought it sounded like an, er, unnapropriate woman's name.
-My mom almost named me Kyra.
-I'm closely related to the President of Bolivia, and I've met his wife.
-Both of my parents are decended from royalty.
-I was born in Santa Monica, California, and lived in Los Angeles for six years. My family moved to Baltimore, Maryland seven years ago.
-I make great potato salad.
-I can roll my eyes four different ways. One of which includes my left eye looking to the left, and my right looking to the right. Yes, really, my eyes can look in opposite directions, at the same time.
-I can't roll my tongue.
Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:49 am
- I'm obsessed with Tamora Pierce, Garth Nix, Brian Jaques, and many more authors.
- One of my favorite games is Soul Caliber 2 for XBOX
- I've never lost with Talim
- I'm am a serious CCS, beyblade, Lain, Yugioh, Naruto,(list goes on) fan.
-I'm an anime freak
- i can dislocate my right shoulder whenever I please(that is, to ffreak other people out)
-I play gunbound, runescape, Kol, conquer, and redemption.
- I deal cards whenever my relatives are gambling
- I love tennis and most strategy games.
Thats all for now!
Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:06 am
I know a really good one!
My first word was Z-Bot!
I'm serious! It really was!
Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:21 am
Mine was 'imanga'
Sat Jul 31, 2004 1:43 am
Hmm, let's see...
- I had a tumor in the right side of my chest
- I underwent two surgeries to kill that tumor
- I underwent surgery to correct my left eye
- The second toe on my right foot is deformed
- I have never broken a bone
When I think of more I'll post them
Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:04 am
- I have few Male Friends
- I am horribly Gullible
- I can never resist a request from a girl friend
- I sleep in but deny it
- I never study for Math tests, thereby reflecting my grades
- I didn't study for Spanish, and cheated on a few tests. (Next year I take french)
- I pick up japanese words quickly
- I feel lonely a lot of times
- I hate being ignored / without attention
- I am quite self-conscious
- I have never broken a bone
If I think of more I'll post them... o.o;
Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:27 am
I have never broken a bone(but can do weird things with some)
I have few male friends
I believe in magic
I never study, but get top grades(thank goodness for long-term memory)
I play clarinet and a bit of piano(only the first two pages of Fur Alice...)
I'm the fastest butterfly swimmer in my family,school, and in my posse.
I'm obsessed with finding someone...
I hate karate
Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:38 am
I am the Omni-Chai........
I come up with weird things after a little too much caffiene
I am completely out of touch with the people in my town, and talk more to my firends out of town
I need a job
Any suggestions?
Sat Jul 31, 2004 3:53 am
-I am constantly random
-I dislike pork seeing as it looks like a healthy human lung uncooked X_X
-I stay up until about 1:30 - 2:30 every night (Reason for my
[i]not]/i] Sleeping in

-I could live off of Italian Ice
-I dislike Chocolate Milk and Chocolate Ice Cream
-I hate being in pictures
-I trust too many people
Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:00 am
lol i got more good ones of me:
-I HATE having my face touched.
-im afraid of bats, the dark and vary large, wide open spaces.
-I bite my nails obcessively
-I love punk music but cant go into mosh pits. I'm too small. I get hurt easily.
-I'm very sickly. I also get very stress sick sometimes.
=I'm 19 and already had shingles (usually older people get them. they're part of the chicken pox virus)
-im a sorority girl!
-I'm not very good at being girly. but i am good at beating up my guy friends when they try to wrestle me.
-i love "adult" the simpsons, family guy and futurama (I cant wait for father of the pride)
-my face is covered in light coloured freckles
=I have some on my lips too
-i beleive that ghosts, unicorns and dragons exist (or existed at one time) as well as ESP.
-im accident prone and have almost died several times. go me!
thats all i got.
Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:08 am
-I have never been on an airplane.
-I live 4 blocks away from Midway Airport.
-When bored, I go to the airport fences and watch planes take off and land.
-If I could, I'd wear pajamas all the time.
-I HATE shoes and socks.
Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:11 am
Since I didn't post in the first thread, here I am for this one:
- I"m scared of spiders...not really, but I despise crawling insects of all sort.
- I know 3 languages, and learning japanese.
- I'm half-nerd, scoring straight A every then.
- I bite my nails.
- I'm extremely good at sports.
- I'm a Zelda Fan.
- I'm insommiac.
- I practice Karate. (Green Belt)
- When I was young, I first loved horses, then birds, then cats, then dogs, then wolves, then dragons.
- Ranji, Ronji and Rouji are my 3 special names. For what? For special stuff.
And my most unknown secret that I vowed to never tell anymore is...I LIKE....WOLVES! There, I said it, I blasted my most delicate secret.

Now, I will have to suicide for having revealed it

Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:31 am
Lets see...
I've nearly been drowned twice
Gotten almost run over about a dozen times
Almost jumped off a swing into a spiky fence 6 times.
Fell Backwards from a swing onto a concrete pavement, luckily, only an annoying headache for 5 minutes.
Almost got hit in the face by pool balls 9 times(yeah, my friends **** at pool[sorry bout the language])
Almost had spider venom reach my heart(I'll never oversleep again!)
Thats all the near death experiences I've remembered.
Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:06 am
-Nearly broke my back taking Ice Skating Freestyle 5 (That's a pretty high level)
-Scared to death of creepy crawlies
-Obsessed with frogs
-Computer Geek of my school
-Flip backwards from my chair easy
-Never broke any bones
-Dislocated my arm when I was small playing with a top
-Most likely taking Japanese as FL next year
-Entering HS
-High Anime Fan
-Plays GunBound
-Likes being barefoot
-Like most types of music
-Loves brocolli and extremely rare beef
-I rarely have female friends. They're all males.
Wierd, ne?
Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:47 am
Hmm lets see here I can probably think of bunches....
-I have the same first and middle names as one of my friends
-I am DEFINATLY accident prone
-Never broken a bone
-I'm very flexible...can do splits(both sides), back bends, strattles, heelstreches blah bla blah...
-Scared of heights
-Scared of the dark (sometimes)
-I LOVE target shooting
-I hate that people try to make me out to be the girl girl cheerleader
-Accused of being anorexic every time I meet someone new almost (I'm not, seriously)
-Would rather be friends with rednecks then my fellow cheerleaders
-I love hunting and fishing
-Confide more in my guy friends...
and theres tons more that I might post when I think of....
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