Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:25 pm
That seems like an interesting poll eh? Under mine is some pieces of paper, cards and a white basket

. Odd. What's under
your bed?
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:27 pm
Let's see..."designer" shop bags, old school books, random files and folders, my keyboard, old kerrang! magazines, and posters. Probably more stuff than that too.
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:29 pm
Too much stuff to count....
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:30 pm
Three drawers-they're built into my bed set thingy. One drawer has toys and games, the other two have clothes that don't fit me anymore.
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:30 pm
*Looks* comforter, saxophone stand, a few random papers and this crazy dollhouse my aunt expected my family to put together. Ha.
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:35 pm
My dog and his bones.
I have one of those high beds....
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:37 pm
Shifty wrote:My dog and his bones.
I have one of those high beds....

Me too, Shifty...Me too.....
Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:46 pm

My bed's foundation is wooden, it touches the floor. Buuuuuut there are drawers built in the foundation, and in those drawers, well, a few shopping bags formely holding presents for members of my family and a few coloured pens I borrowed from my sister.
Last edited by
Yoshi on Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:12 am
Nothing. Though I may be the queen of procrashinators, I like to be clean.
Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:37 am
Bins. And contained in those bins are old clothes I used to play 'dress-up' in, seashells, pokemon cards, random junk, and my tomagatchi. (sp?)
You know, there might also be a few dust bunnies under there too.... XD
Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:47 am
Shifty wrote:My dog and his bones.
I have one of those high beds....

Under mine..*looks*
Usually there is my dog's head (He puts his head under beds..don't ask me why,I dont know.) or a shoe.
Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:55 am
A bunch of boxes with random stuff that I don't need at the moment. Like, papers, bags from stores, arts & crafts, and other mementoes.
Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:38 am
Dustfroggies. No, not dustbunnies. Dustfroggies are much, MUCH worse. They attack on a whim. *Gets a face full of dust*
Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:49 am
Let me think... I looked under there not too long ago...
Two old pillows, an extra blanket for when the weather gets colder, wolf slippers, and the box that a friend mailed me a stuffed animal in... because I am too lazy to write down the return adress... XD
Thu Aug 26, 2004 2:00 am
Just my keyboard/piano..since I have no room to set it up in my room.
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