Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:18 pm
This isn't a normal "are you superstitious" topic. This is about your own superstitions. They can be completely random, or they can be based off a real experience. You can say why you believe it if you want.
I'll give one of mine as an example (maybe I'll think of some more later): I get superstitious when I see that a new topic that I posted has been viewed five times. This is because sometimes in the past when I've posted a topic that was against the rules, I got the PM when the topic had had exactly five views.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:29 pm
PPT Superstition - If you begin topics with some letters they will instantly be subconciously unattractive to click on.
Life Superstition:
- I have a natural repeling field around me that I can turn on and off.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:48 pm
If I ever, ever! Put the jelly on on a piece of bread before the peanut butter, something horriblwe will happen, I don't know how it started but thats how its been for years now.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:41 pm
I don't walk over 3 drains.
I don't put shoes on the table.
I don't put hats on the bed.
I salute to magpies.
I knock on wood.
I don't kill spiders.
I don't read my horoscopes aloud.
I don't walk under ladders or a sign that is held up by 2 poles.
Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:33 am
I shouldn't wear a T-shirt and pants are are of the same colour.
I shouldn't kick things around anyhow, especially litter on the streets.
I should be wary on Friday the 13th and other inauspicious days.
I should eat chocolate at least once every month.It's more of a craving.
Thu Sep 02, 2004 12:58 pm
floella_de_ville wrote:I don't walk over 3 drains.
I don't put shoes on the table.
I do all the time, to the point of which my mother is considering abandonment. xDI don't put hats on the bed.
Why not? If I do the shoe thing, I should be fully entitled to the hat thing as well. Which I why my hats always end up on my bed.I salute to magpies.
I don't even know what those look like, nor do I believe I would ever salute to them if I were to see them. If anything, those magpies should be saluting to ME!I knock on wood.
I actually do do this, not because I'm superstitious, but because the song is catchy.I don't kill spiders.
Well, technically, I don't kill the spiders. I simply sick my dog on them. ^^ They freak me out. I don't read my horoscopes aloud.
I not only read them aloud, but I ridicule them. They are so stupid it's unbelievable.I don't walk under ladders or a sign that is held up by 2 poles.
I'm only afraid of doing the ladder thing for fear that it will collapse on me. So I do do that. But the sign thing I do for fun...I never knew it was bad luck. 
Well...that's as superstitious as I get.
Fri Sep 03, 2004 2:06 am
I won't walk on drains.
I can't look at a clock and see it change.
Hmm.. Thats about it. Oh, my moodring always has to be on the middle finger on my right hand, if not something will happen. Most likely fall off, you never know.
Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:53 pm
I knock and wood also, lol
I consider it great luck to see a cat,
If it rains, and I don't stand in it for at least a minute, something bad wil happen,
I have to run up and skip as many stairs possible, no matter where.
I have to walk quiet when I'm in the woods, for unknown reasons,
At my grandparents house I have to setp on the red tile before entering the kitchen.
I have to sing before entering the attic room,
I cant draw without two pencils the same type.
If i'm listening to music, it's bad luck to change the cd halfway
I can only write letters in the candelight,
When baking, I can wear anything blue...duno why...
and with tea, It has to look like sometype of plant colour i've seen, before I can drink it
all of this is just habit, and superstition mixed lol
Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:19 pm
I watch CardCaptors. I admit it. *runs for it*
Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:24 pm
Chaud wrote:I watch CardCaptors. I admit it. *runs for it*
...And how is that on-topic? :?
Another of my little superstitions is that if I hold my hands and/or head a certain way, and don't say the wrong words in the wrong way, whatever I want to happen will happen. It changes every time. I'm weird.
Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:57 pm
I occassionaly knock on wood, but only as a habit that I picked up from my mother.
Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:41 am
I...dont..have any.
Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:42 pm
I don't really know if it's a superstition or not. But I always have to do things with three. Like I'll have to do 3 more pushups or practice something 3 more times. It's nothing major. It doesn't get in the way of anything. 3 is just my favorite number.
Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:47 pm
Well...seeing as my birthday sometimes lands on Friday 13th, then I have no superstitions at all
Sat Sep 04, 2004 11:01 pm
I don't have any. I never will.
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