Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:44 pm
"Why don't teachers listen?"
Whenever there is a fight or something serious like that teachers never listen to both sides of the story, they only listen to one.
If the first person they talk to says it's the other person's fault then they won't bother asking the other person their side of the story.
Teachers are always right!!
Teachers always say that they are right if they misspell something on the board and if you put your hand up to say you always get told off.
Then when they realise they are wrong they never apologise for telling you off for no reason.
The same thing happens in maths. When they add something up wrong they always say it's right, then a few minutes later they realise and change it without an apology.
Not all teachers
Not all teachers are like that though. Some can be pretty cool and you can get a word in edgeways.
Some will actually listen to you, but others just don't care and are just there for the money.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:53 pm
I wouldnt really bash teachers. If it wasnt for them, we wouldnt know our ABc's, thus we wouldnt know how to read or write, thus being no reason for us to use the internet because we wouldnt know how...see where I'm going?
Teachers are humans too. If they didnt care, they wouldnt teach. Thank a teacher for making you smart.
And if teachers are just there for the money, I'm sure they can find other jobs that provide better money without having to teach.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 3:54 pm
I wasn't bashing them. I was saying not all teachers are that bad..
Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:02 pm
I really wouldn't want to be a teacher, some of the stuff they must have to put up with...*shudders*
My mum's friend is a part - time teacher. She spends the whole week worrying about having to go in and teach on Friday.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:17 pm
I want to be a teacher so I can ignore the kids.
Nah, all my teachers always listen when I correct them.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:21 pm
Surprisinly enough, teachers don't get paid that much money. They are actually quite underpaid in my opinion. They are there because they want to teach you and your classmates.
Unless it works differently at your school, they aren't there to settle arguments between students, either. That is the Principal's job {assuming that it's a big enough issue that he/she needs to deal with it in the first place}.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:33 pm
robot wrote:Surprisinly enough, teachers don't get paid that much money. They are actually quite underpaid in my opinion. They are there because they want to teach you and your classmates.
Unless it works differently at your school, they aren't there to settle arguments between students, either. That is the Principal's job {assuming that it's a big enough issue that he/she needs to deal with it in the first place}.
You seem to kow a lot about tis topic...
Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:59 pm
robot wrote:Surprisinly enough, teachers don't get paid that much money. They are actually quite underpaid in my opinion. They are there because they want to teach you and your classmates.
Unless it works differently at your school, they aren't there to settle arguments between students, either. That is the Principal's job {assuming that it's a big enough issue that he/she needs to deal with it in the first place}.
So what? Does them being underpaid justify the way they treat students?
Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:49 pm
Stijn wrote:robot wrote:Surprisinly enough, teachers don't get paid that much money. They are actually quite underpaid in my opinion. They are there because they want to teach you and your classmates.
Unless it works differently at your school, they aren't there to settle arguments between students, either. That is the Principal's job {assuming that it's a big enough issue that he/she needs to deal with it in the first place}.
So what? Does them being underpaid justify the way they treat students?
Not all teachers treat students horribly. But in some cases, being underpaid probably contributes to the problem. And, quite honestly, with some students, I'm shocked teachers manage not to strangle them.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:55 pm
Cassi wrote:Stijn wrote:robot wrote:Surprisinly enough, teachers don't get paid that much money. They are actually quite underpaid in my opinion. They are there because they want to teach you and your classmates.
Unless it works differently at your school, they aren't there to settle arguments between students, either. That is the Principal's job {assuming that it's a big enough issue that he/she needs to deal with it in the first place}.
So what? Does them being underpaid justify the way they treat students?
Not all teachers treat students horribly. But in some cases, being underpaid probably contributes to the problem. And, quite honestly, with some students, I'm shocked teachers manage not to strangle them.
Nobody here said all teachers treat students horribly. The teacher's job is to teach, not keeping the students under control. (One of my teachers told me that today.

Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:11 pm
Stijn wrote: The teacher's job is to teach, not keeping the students under control.
That would be nice. Unfortunately (and this seems to be most common among 7th and 8th graders according my my mom, also a teacher) some classrooms develop the "mob mentality" and require keeping under control or else the teacher can't even do her job. You're supposed to pay attention to him/her and not your friends.
Even in high school, when I was a junior I had to beg to be moved to a different chemistry class because the students in my class behaved horribly and the teacher couldn't teach even if she wanted to. I certainly wasn't learning anything and everyday I was terrified that another teacher would come in and write us all up. The class I moved into was MUUUUCH better.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:26 pm
Stijn wrote:Nobody here said all teachers treat students horribly. The teacher's job is to teach, not keeping the students under control. (One of my teachers told me that today.

I didn't say anyone did. It just sounded a bit better to prove my point worded that way.

No offense meant.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 6:34 pm
Some teachers listen and you can actually tell that they are humans, but others try to hide the fact that they are people. They pretend that everything is always under control and that you don't have to worry, just go along and everything will be fine. I hate it when adults do that.
Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:32 pm
I don't think they're that underpaid, one of my old ones has stables and stuff...
But then, she was the head of English..probably got paid more for that...
Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:50 pm
jellyoflight wrote:I don't think they're that underpaid, one of my old ones has stables and stuff...
But then, she was the head of English..probably got paid more for that...
'Course, there's always the whole rich relatives/husband thing, or just living beyond your means/denial...
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