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Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:29 pm
I just finished my first day at my new school! I was so nervous, but it was awesome! There are three grade seven teachers, and i got the only nice one! I wore really long star earrings, and jeans, and a green top. I met two girls, Nicole, and Kathleen, and we are best friends now, with friendship bracelets and everything! Nicole is on my bus, and lives 10 minutes away! My classes, were great, no homework! My french teacher, Mme Spencer, is EXTREMELY pleased with me. We are doing basic french, and me, having done french for 6 years am acing it! I have made a very good first impression, have made lots of friends, impressed the teachers, so I think i'm off to a good start! One problem, this one girl, whenever i do the combination for my lock keeps staring at it, or asking to hold my lock for me, or stuff, how do i confront her about this?
Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:12 pm
Congratulations on making good first impressions!!!
I started grade 9 today, but I didn't have to change schools

My school goes from 7-12.
About the lock, I suggest you tell her that you would preffer if she didn't look and ifshee keeps looing put her back towards her when you do the combo. If she still presists tell your homeroom teacher about it, and one of you will probably change lockers.
P.S. Felicitations avec ta francais!
Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:15 pm
I think that will work! Thanks for the advice
P.s. Merci beaucoup! Parles-tu le français aussi?
Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:18 pm
Not a problem
P.S. Bein oui, je suis dan l'immersion. Ma francais n'est pas suberb mais c'est d'accord
Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:40 am
Just dont give her your lock, or get a lock with a key.
If you mean a built in lock, change it daily.
Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:36 am
i have a lock that you can change the combo, but its not built in, maybe i will change every week or something. Not every day, or i'll forget.
P.s. Toi aussi, t'es dans l'immersion? J'etait dans l'immersion, mais j'ai quitté cette école pour un école "gifted".
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