Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:56 pm
Hey. Is there or has their ever been a strange or unusual competition in your country?
There is one going on in my country (Scotland for all ther new folk here) called the Real Radio Fugitive. What it isis that a radio station for the centerl of Scotland called Real Radio has someone go out into a random part of their brodcast area and then the listeners are given a clue to the fugitive's location. The viewers and even the radio presenters don't know who he is, what he looks like or even what he sounds like as he distorts his voice. Well, once people think they have unraveled the clue (or found on of his "calling cards") they rush off to where they think he is and go about asking random people "Are You The Real Radio Fugitive?" and if the fugitive gets asked this he has to say yes and the people get the bounty placed on his head. But the words have to be "Are You The Real Radio Fugitive?" other wise it's invalid and he can't say yes. He was in a town near me the other day.
Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:07 pm
Ixistant wrote:Hey. Is there or has their ever been a strange or unusual competition in your country?
There is one going on in my country (Scotland for all ther new folk here) called the Real Radio Fugitive. What it isis that a radio station for the centerl of Scotland called Real Radio has someone go out into a random part of their brodcast area and then the listeners are given a clue to the fugitive's location. The viewers and even the radio presenters don't know who he is, what he looks like or even what he sounds like as he distorts his voice. Well, once people think they have unraveled the clue (or found on of his "calling cards") they rush off to where they think he is and go about asking random people "Are You The Real Radio Fugitive?" and if the fugitive gets asked this he has to say yes and the people get the bounty placed on his head. But the words have to be "Are You The Real Radio Fugitive?" other wise it's invalid and he can't say yes. He was in a town near me the other day.
Oh so thats Real Radio Fugitive I didnt know what the heck you were talking about.

But, to answer your question nope no strange competitons down here. Or from what I know of.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:41 am
Strange competitions? Well, I find a bunch of the reality TV shows here weird, and they are competitions to win whatever prize. Ugh. Outback Jack and whatever season of Survivor it is now, and those competitions to make the one girl or guy fall in love with you... *shudders*
Welcome to the United States of America. XD
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:21 am
I believe during the peak of the big brother craze there was a brief competition her which involved being left on a small floating platform in the harbour for as long as you could last...
Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:53 am
Idols (American Idol for you) is weird enough. Silly people doing silly things.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:19 pm
Stijn wrote:Idols (American Idol for you) is weird enough. Silly people doing silly things.


Didn't know that was weird to some people.
No weird competitions around here. Just modeling scams like IMTA.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:01 pm
Ummmmm......what seems like dozens of reality shows, and thousands of more local competitions that I know exist but don't have details on.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:57 pm
Yes. Wifecarrying. Yes.
The weirdest competition ever. And the best competition ever. Ooh!
Nothing can beat it. NOTHING. Mwahahahaha!
Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:20 pm
Bog snorkelling, an annual event in Wales, it rocks.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:16 pm
You ready for this?
Harrisburg Idol. (For the record,I dont live in Harrisburg.)
I am dead serious.
They were giving out papers at the Hershey American Idol concert. 16 and above. I felt like telling the lady I am not 16 and she does NOT want to hear me do my Fantasia Barrino imitation. (No offence to Tasia fans,I'm just stating I cant sing.)
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