Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:04 am
I might go to Japan. Maybe. Sorta.
I got this invite in the mail from some exchange program called 'People to People.' My one friend got an invite as well. It says in the invite letter that I'd live with a family, go to different cities and sights and whatnot, and it'd last two weeks.
Okkkay. So has anyone ever heard of this specific exchange program? And if it's legit, think I should go? I'd like to, but the thing is that I know absolutely NO Japanese. Which would make it sort of difficult to communicate. And I don't know how reliable the program is. A teacher said she'd heard it was pretty reliable, but...Eh. So has anyone gotten an invite from this program before? (Anyone here live in Japan? So if I did go, I could visit ya. XD )
Or should I maybe wait and see if there's an invite to a different country? One where I could maybe at least be able to pick up some of the language?
Eh, I dunno. ^_^;;
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:29 am
Yes go! I wished I got one of those mails going to Japan is like a dream come true. But then I think about the language barrier and that might a bit tough. but they people your with my exchange for you. well its all up to you and how you feel about it.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:30 am
It's legit. My friend and I both got invites years and years ago and she actually went. She had a blast and I'm extremely jealous that I didn't go to this day. There's only one trip a year, so there really isn't "waiting to get another invite" until next year.
The huge drawback to the whole thing is that the trip's a bit pricey. Go to the information meeting... they'll tell you everything there.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:31 am
*Calms down* Seriously, I may really go. Its not a trick. My Mom's friend's daughter went to Austrailian on People to People 3 years ago.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:37 am
Duuuude. I totally want to go to Japan. Even if I only know a few words of no real use:
Nya = meow
Neko = cat
And I believe Domo Arigatou = Thank you very much or something. Domo means Thanks, I know that. So uhhh, if some Japanese person ever waves hi or something, just say Domo to thank them... XD
Seriously, you should go. You might pick up something... maybe the Japanese family knows some English and they can help ya... You might not ever get an invite to go somewhere again... and come on, Japan rocks! I say go! ^.^
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:45 am
To add to Zero's list...
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu = Fire Element: Grand Fireball Technique.
Hey, you never know, it could come in handy.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:16 am
M. Bison wrote:To add to Zero's list...
Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu = Fire Element: Grand Fireball Technique.
Hey, you never know, it could come in handy.

Yeah...if you went around cosplaying.
I had the opportunity to go to Japan once, but I was rejected for my so called 'bad attitude'. Badd attitude is obviously much worse than the guy that did get to goand got drunk on vending machine beer.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:50 am
Ehhh. You lucky thing. I wanna go to Japan -_-
Arigatou (Ah-ree-ga-toe): Thank you.
Arigatou gozaimasu (ah-ree-ga-toe goh-zah-ee-mass): Thank you very much.
Konnichiwa (kon-ee-chee-wa): Hello.
Sayonara (Say-on-ah-ra): Goodbye.
KYAAAAAAA!!! Watashi wa mayoigo desu!: AAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm lost! *wail* (Eh. It means aaah! I'm a lost child! XD)
Eh. I can't think of any other words that would help at the moment.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:20 am
japan is a delight. go go go. i went to gifu for ten days with school my senior year.
be sure and find as much about the culture while you can. for example, i missed the culture session when we learned how to use the tub and shower, and the whole time i was there i drained the tub every morning, wondering why they left used bathwater in the tub when they knew they had guests.
turns out, i was the one being rude by draining it, and the japanese are too polite to tell you when you're being horrible.
but other than bathroom faux pas, the trip was great and memorable and i recommend going to japan for anyone.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:26 am
I have been to Japan before.....
I say you should definately go!

You will have a blast!
Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:53 am
I've been to Japan before. Although I had a tour guide, there was something we were all (at least the children, that was when I was one) forced to have.
1000 yen and an address/phone number.
If you get lost, simply find any guy dressed up in a business suit, hand over the 1000 yen (perhaps do a little signalling, I dunno), and they'll let you use their cell phone.

Call away.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:16 pm
I think you'd be able to manage, you'll probably have a translator (like a person who walks around with you). My dad goes to Japan on bussiness all the time and he doesn't know any, yet he manages some how.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:10 pm
You are SOOO lucky. You should go. My father went to Tokyo for a business trip and bought me tons of goodies. I saw pictures, and it looked so cool.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:10 pm
Yep, People to People is a really good student ambassador program. I've been invited to Europe, Australia, and Washington D.C. Actually, six people from my english class were invited to Washington last year, and one guy went. He said it was a little boring, since he's already been to D.C. and they had to do a bunch of ambassador...stuff. Japan sounds much, much more interesting.
Anyway, they have a website (, so you could go on there for more information. Like atomicblonde said up there ^, go to an information meeting and find out the price and other finer details.
I wish I went to Australia, but that was back in 5th grade.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:16 pm
oh well do they support 9-year olds?
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