Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:23 am
i was going into moby's tea shop today and who should open the door for me but moby himself. i've gone to that tea shop a dozen times, never expecting to see him, and he opens the door for me! we even had a conversation: he said "hello" and i said "hi, thank you." wow!
my fourth-ever celebrity sighting! i'm not very good at spotting them, despite this being my third year in new york city, because i watch very little tv or movies so unless someone points them out to me, or they are really huge, i don't recognise most celebrities.
my other sightings have been:
1. pharrell (he was having lunch at the sidewalk cafe right outside my dorm-at-the-time)
2. heather matarazzo (the girl from welcome to the dollhouse. she was walking through a street fair. and let me tell you--her teeth really ARE that bad)
3. rachel dratch (from saturday night live. she was crossing the street. i only saw her because i nearly ran into her)
so, what celebrities have you seen &/or conversed with?
Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:40 am
Aw, you're lucky, Moby's cool.
Well, I've never publicly sighted a celebrity anywhere but at concerts (free or paid)...and I doubt those count. But anyways, among those are Lillix, Shawn Desman, The Trews, Seether, and Evanescence.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 9:26 am
What exactly is moby's tea shop?? Is it owned by him?
But thats cool that you meet him anyway...
I think I have met more then I have seen.... But here goes...
-Mark Mcgrath: It was from a Sugar ray concert, and my friend has good connections so we got to meet him is his trailer thing...
- Blink 182 - Autographed a cd when they were signing in tower records(I'm starting to doubt it was there)
-Meatloaf: I have idea who they are, but I know they sing... My parents are were friends with him... So there is even a video tape of me sitting on his lap (I was 2 or 3

-I'v meet a few more but probably less known...
As for seen, too many to count, I don't want to bore.
And my dad works in NYC so he say sooo many celebrities including Johnny Depp
Sat Sep 11, 2004 9:53 am
I saw Gordon Ramsay being a smarmy git outside my hotel in London.
My dad sat drinking at a bar with Jack Dee.
And of course, i've met Elizabeth from one of the Big Brothers. Booyah XD
Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:55 am
Peter Jackson is my only decent one, since he's a family friend I've been to his house for movies, guyfawks (we set his tree on fire), lunch, and thanks to it I got to see the Secondary screenings of all the LOTR movies (The ones on directly after the premiere...stupid father, he went to the premiere red carpet thing).
Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:56 am
When I lived in America I didn't meet any stars, although my babysitter was an actress, not that well known but she was on tv...
In Israel, there is a street that you can allways see stars there. I saw plenty of famouse people there. Saying names won't help because you don't know any of them...
Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:19 am
I got to meet a couple of stars from my favourite soap opera (Days Of Our Lives) at a charity event a few years ago. I met Tanya Boyd (Celeste Perrault) and Joseph Mascolo (Stefano Dimera). By the way... neither of their accents are real, and it's just... weird hearing their normal voices. XD
Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:14 pm
Christopher wrote:Peter Jackson is my only decent one, since he's a family friend I've been to his house for movies, guyfawks (we set his tree on fire), lunch, and thanks to it I got to see the Secondary screenings of all the LOTR movies (The ones on directly after the premiere...stupid father, he went to the premiere red carpet thing).
Hey, can I come to your house? You are so lucky to have Peter Jackson as a family friend. Have you seen one of his oscars yet?
Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:23 pm
Well, Ethan Zohn came to our town once cause it's his hometown (don't go looking for that info and then come stalking me!

) so I saw him and even got to take my piccy with him

. Also, a one of the girls on SNL is from my town and goes to my Temple, so I see her sometimes.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:52 pm
Shifty wrote:-Meatloaf: I have idea who they are, but I know they sing... My parents are were friends with him... So there is even a video tape of me sitting on his lap (I was 2 or 3

Meat Loaf, eh? Cool. Before your time. Just him. No they.
I feel left out. I met Walt Frazier once (of basketball fame) but that was at a signing.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:10 pm
I saw Uma Thurman at an airport. :3
Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:14 pm
You...saw...Moby?! WHY CANT I SEE HIM?!
I've only seen my idol, once. Jope Ruonansuu. I was at a live show of his, and we were in a table near his table in the coffee place. He signed a cd of mine. ^_^
Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:43 pm
Jonathan Tucker is an alumni of my school. He came into my latin class to visit his old teacher (my teacher now) and gave a speech at graduation last year.
And I met two of the guys from N*SYNC in NYC when I was 7. One was Lance, and the other signed "N*SYNC" so I don't know who he was. I had only heard about the band that morning and recognized Lance by his hair.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:42 pm
Eh, I haven't seen any famous people. Kinda hard when you live in a town of 2,000 people, but I suppose it will happen sometime.
Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:52 pm
I've only seen Dutch celebrities (if you want their names: I saw the bands Di-rect and Intwine, singer Do and our local singer Grad Damen *yay*. And I'm going to see comedian Theo Maassen in less then 2 weeks

He lives in the city where I live, but I've never seen him IRL. He's great though.)
I might go on a holiday to California next year
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