Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 3:45 pm
Well, who are THEY. This thread is all about what you think your fellow forum users look like. I now always imagine Jim as Dr. Cox from Scrubs thanks to THAT sig. I miss it! What about everyone else?
Mon Sep 13, 2004 5:58 pm
Well, I always use to think that Christopher looked like that guy he had in his set not to long ago. And also Kevco i alway associated him to the guy in his set and Souljo.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:39 pm
shortin wrote:Well, I always use to think that Christopher looked like that guy he had in his set not to long ago. And also Kevco i alway associated him to the guy in his set and Souljo.
You mean Felix?
I know thatb I always imagine people to be their sets, thus I alwasy choose good looking guys for mine :3
Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:28 pm
I always thought fidds was a girl with brown hair and glasses until I saw her picture....
I really don't know what I think people look like.
But I wonder what people here think what I look like.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:40 pm
I'm not really sure of if I have ever imagined how someone here looks like. Of course like anyone else I look at people's sets, but I don't actually think the users look like that irl.
However, I do sometimes confuse males and females due to that they have an image of the opposite gender in their set
I bet you are all dying to know what I look like! (...not.)
For those who want to keep on guessing on my looks should not click on the link above, it will spoil all of your fun
Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:14 pm
*pops in* I hope people don't think I look like the person in my signature because...well, that's a dude.
I do remember people by their avs or sigs, though. "Oh, look, that's the person with the [insert noun here] set."
Mon Sep 13, 2004 8:47 pm
I usually associate people with their sets. Whenever someone mentioned The Fifth Marauder, I always thought of Hermione Granger, due to an old set she had (I think, anyway). If not sets, I imagine people by their personalities. For some reason, I first imagined Cae as a girl with thick, wavy light brown hair and glasses- probably because I used to know a girl who loved to write and was hilariously funny, like Cae. O_O Reading this post has clued to me into just how crazy I am...
Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:18 pm
Dawn2 wrote:I usually associate people with their sets. Whenever someone mentioned The Fifth Marauder, I always thought of Hermione Granger, due to an old set she had (I think, anyway). If not sets, I imagine people by their personalities. For some reason, I first imagined Cae as a girl with thick, wavy light brown hair and glasses- probably because I used to know a girl who loved to write and was hilariously funny, like Cae. O_O Reading this post has clued to me into just how crazy I am...
That's how I am, and when i see an actual picture of themselves I always feel a bit silly.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:20 pm
I always imagine people as their avatars...uh, does that mean that I'm a pouncing fire kougra? ONG! I'm my own pet!
Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:53 pm
I hope nobody thinks of me as Cats! Especially since he's a dude! I guess I do think of people as looking like their sets, unless the set is of inanimate objects... or a group of people...
Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:25 pm
Well I do mostly think of people looking like their sets ,but mine well mines a guy and I'm a girl sooo ya you get the point.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:36 pm
I've been mistaken for a dude countless times. In fact, I bet someone's gonna come in here and be like "OH MY GAAAWD UR A GIRL?!"
I base people off of their sets, too. I thought Atty (Atamand) looked like Auron. In fact, sometimes I
still think he looks like Auron... XD I are stoopid.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:39 pm
Zero wrote:I've been mistaken for a dude countless times. In fact, I bet someone's gonna come in here and be like "OH MY GAAAWD UR A GIRL?!"

cant say ive ever been mistaken for unicron myself..
but i have been mistaken for a lass, by mannerism -
AND by sight.
i have long hair ysee.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:48 pm
Well if I looked like my sets then I would fancy myself and that's a bit strange
Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:07 am
I don't know, honestly. Most oof the PPTers that I talk to I've seen pictures of before
...Wonder what people think I look like?
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