Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:58 pm
I just talked to someone on AIM that I hadn't seen in months, since I met her at an AMC hut when I was at camp. It got me wondering, has anyone here ever met someone who you really connected with and swore to keep in touch with, but you completely forgot about him/her? It's okay if you knew each other for more than a day, but a week should be the cutoff.
Also, I'd be interested to hear the stories of people who did keep in touch with the people they've met.
Tue Sep 14, 2004 11:40 pm
I dont think so,no..
Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:14 am
Yes, twice.
First case- I believe her name was... Alyson or something. I'm sorry to say that I forgot. I met her in Alabama, like, over ten years ago. She was in... first grade or kindergarten, I think, and I was in... 2nd grade, I believe. This is way too hazy. We exchanged addresses and everything, but we never got around to writing.
Second case- I remember this one like it was yesterday. Haylee LeBlonc. This I know was in second grade. Haylee was pretty much the most popular girl in the school I was going to at the time. I was pretty much used to being a nobody, so I was really in awe that she picked me to be her best friend. That only lasted for... like, two days, though. I still know her now, and I hate her. I've hated her for the past... 13 years or so.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 5:29 am
Lots of people I meet at the same hotel/motel/cardboard box as me, I meet them and never see them again.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:11 am
Yeah... Alot of people from camp.
I tried keeping touch, but it's different over the phone.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:30 am
1 or 2... its hard to find a very close friend, and even harder to maintain the relationship if you seldom get to see each other. It's really sad if you thought about it.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:32 pm
A couple girls I hung out with the first day of school...they weren't really my kind of people, they were just being nice and showing me around. I mean, it's not like we hate each other now or anything, we just don't really talk.
A couple people from camp over the years, too...umm...there was someone else who came to mind as soon as I saw the title, but I forget now. =P
Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:55 pm
not just for a week no, but our friendship lasted a couple years, then i lost touch, thats happened a few times actually.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:50 pm
A bunch of people from McDonalds, Burger King and homeschooling meets.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 6:54 pm
I met quite a few at playgrounds when I was little. There was one that I actually knew for a few years, so I guess it doesn't count, but anyway I only saw her at camp. Then I left the camp, and never saw her turns out that she's in the same grade as me, and goes to my school, and is in some of my classes this year!

(So I guess I did see her again after all...)
Wed Sep 15, 2004 8:07 pm
There are loads of people I've met on holiday and I've lost contact with all of them.
My dad kept in contact with some people he went to university with so twice every year I meet up with people from completely random parts of Scotland and hang out with their kids, who are about my age. It's pretty fun actually. I'm going to see them all this weekend.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:41 pm
I'm sure it happened a couple of times, but I don't really remember... I had some really nice people I hung out with that I met when I was on holiday in a hotel, or in a tour group, but I never kept in touch with them. But they were not my "best friends" at that moment, just really nice people.
Wed Sep 15, 2004 10:20 pm
Umm.. no. That sounds like using you in my opinion.
Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:01 am
Tons. Dx
Sometimes it's just because something funny happens in a place full of strangers, or maybe at a camp or something. Usually we promise to call each other but it never happens.
Thu Sep 16, 2004 12:53 am
Loads. Too many.
Friends from when I was really little, friends that I forgot where they live, friends that weren't friends after all, friends who I had to move away from without any information about how to contact them, friends from other schools that I switched out of, friends from when I lived in the U.S., friends from other provinces when I was moving all the time, friends of families I met, friends I met at the park, resteraunt, bus or fair, friends who I met at the same department of a store trying to buy the same thing, friends I met at horseshows, friends that just dissapeared, friends who had the same car as me, friends from camps, social meetings, clubs, national club meetings... There's got to be over a thousand. Literally.
One sticks out in my mind particularly strong..
I was at the park when I was really small, and there was a girl a year or so younger than me who somehow got herself into climby things for little kids you can't fall in. Anyways, she was calling for help, and I thought she was just playing a game, so I just kept swinging by myself. After 2 or 3 minutes of that, I went over and asked "Do you need help?" and she told me she did. So, we dug out so much sand you could have filled a beach until she could wiggle out. Turned out her and me both were Jen's. We hung out all day, and became best friends. Then, I never saw her again. We were supposed to meet at the park again the next day, but I couldn't go, parents wouldn't let me. So, every day after that I went to the park and she wasn't there again, and I missed her for a long time. Its really my fault for not going when I said I would, I think it got her mad.
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