Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Sun Sep 19, 2004 1:44 pm
Post your weird, thought-provoking, or just random dreams!
My strangest dream would be a tie between the one where I was forced to marry Daniel Radcliffe, or the one I had a few nights ago that had something to do with Amidamaru and Girl Scouts.
The most influential one I ever had would have been last November, when I was sharing a room with a faceless guy. When I woke up, I realized that the guy was Yoh, and I decided to become a fangirl.
Sun Sep 19, 2004 3:12 pm
Probably the one where Zero was sleeping in my bed and me and my mom were petting him...
Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:48 pm weirest dream would have to be the one that I got married to my friend boyfriend and then went i wen on my honeymoon it was a completely different guy.
Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:26 pm
Zero wrote:Probably the one where Zero was sleeping in my bed and me and my mom were petting him...

Mmmmmmmmhmmm...moving on...
My was in normal school and my mom was the teacher. I was in a lacy frilly fluffy dress (:cry:) and little black shoes..then all of a sudden Clay Aiken comes in with his hair a total mess and in a Scientist coat and he looks at some random kid and says,"Hi Dr. Phil!"
I woke up laughing.
Sun Sep 19, 2004 6:54 pm
Last year, I had a dream where my first period class went to Europe (I can't remember where), but me and one other guy got left behind. While we tried to get on a plane there, everyone went skiing and erm...I won't say the rest. It's very weird though.
Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:30 am
I have the craziest dreams...
The one with Legolas wrote:Before I begin, let's bear in mind that at the time I had this dream, I had still yet to see any of the LotR films (I've still only seen the first one, and I didn't even see it until last November). In this dream, I was in my backyard. And Legolas was there (I am not a Legolas/Orlando Bloom fangirl).
He had this sword, a magical sword apparently. He touched an old Sprite bottle that was in my yard with his sword, and it turned to gold. He touched a piece of cardboard, and it turned to gold. He touched my neighbour's tiny dog.... and it grew to 4 times its size, large enough to jump over the fence, and it did.
It wouldn't stay on it's own side of the fence, so I had to go around and ring the neighour's bell, and explain to them what had happened to their dog. As if that wasn't bad enough, I had to explain to them that an elf did it.
So now I go around telling people that Orlando Bloom ruined my life.
The one with the PNG images wrote:I had this one just the other night, and I gave a fuller description of it in my LJ.
My mother and I had gone to New York City, and we were staying in a huge hotel. It was very crowded there, and warm, and I decided to go up to our room and change to cooler clothes.
I managed to get up there, and it was a very grand room. The maid was there to clean, I told her to go ahead with it, and I went into the huge walk in closet to change clothes.
Some guy came to the door. Apparently he wanted to kill me. He had a samurai sword and a woman with him. Apparently I was a PNG image, and he couldn't see PNG images, so he brought along the woman to spot me for him. But the woman didn't have her glasses, so if I stayed several feet away from her, she wouldn't be able to see me either.
The maid was trying to convince the guy that I wasn't there at all. But he knew she was trying to protect me, so he started attacking her. I decided to lure him away. I made noise by knocking something over. He went that way, and I tried to sneak in the other direction.
But the woman grabbed me. But as it turned out, she was a PNG image too. So I tricked him into thinking she was me, and he started attacking her instead. So now they were fighting eachother, and the maid and I managed to get them both out the door.
The one with Linkin Park wrote:Firstly. I am a Linkin Park/Chester Bennington fangirl.
In this dream I was at the church I was going to at the time, but.. it was also a bar. I had had one margarita, and then I went and got a Long Island Iced Tea. Right after I got it, Chester Bennington came in and ordered one. But apparently the bartender had run out of them (if you know what a Long Island Iced Tea is, you'll know that that's not really possible, but it was a dream so =P).
I told Chester he could have mine and gave it to him. Then he kissed me, and I kind of fainted. No one else there seemed to realize who he was, so we all just went about our business. My friend Sif was there (She's a PPTer, her screenname is 'Lost'). I quickly whispered to her that Chester Bennington was there, and we both were freaking out.
We were in the hallway talking about it, and then out comes Chester from the main room, with a bunch of guys. They were going outside to play frisbee. Sif and I followed, and I was getting kind of jealous, because Chester was hanging out with the guys, not with me.
And then the church/bar turned into Sif's house. And word was spreading that Chester was there, so people that we didn't even know were just showing up at her house to hang out with him. And then we all realized that the Linkin Park tour bus was parked outside. Everyone was going to go go on a tour of it. And Sif and I were trying to get rid of the people that we didn't know.
We finally did, and finally got a chance to get on the bus. Inside, it was the size of a large house. Chester was laying on his bed talking on the phone to his wife. So I went and looked at his bathroom, it was covered in pictures of Madonna. Then I went to the living room, where the rest of the band, and Sif and our friends were hanging out. I sat down next to Mike Shinoda.
That's all I remember =P
Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:35 am
Well, last night I had a dream that my mom divorced my dad and married my much hated old math teacher, and I was forced to live with my mom and the evil math teacher, even though I wanted to live with my dad. O_o
Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:20 am
Nothing particularly strange, but I drempt Avril Lavigne was looking under my mothers bed through boxes and boxes of letters for ties. Then my mom (much older than I remember her) walked in and started freaking out, claiming that all Avrils ties were hers.
I also drempt Madonna was in my room, the way it was when I was about 12, and was trying to put on lipsticks and eyeshadow but kept missing and getting it all over her cheeks and forehead. Finally she managed to get her lips blue and eyes an orangish colour. Not eyelids, eyes.
Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:32 am
A dream I had when I was five and have had every year around the same time since then...
Me and my brother were taken to the doctors. When we went inside, it was a cave. The cave had a TV thing that shot this green light, and if you ran in front of it, you'd turn into a skeleton. And there were skeletons hanging from the ceiling. Then Rita and Zed appeared and started chasing me and my brother around in circles. Then my mom came in and we ran down these stairs into a parking lot filled with green ooze...And then I woke up.
Er, I think I might've watched too much Power Rangers the night I first had that dream.
Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:43 pm
Amethyst wrote:Post your weird, thought-provoking, or just random dreams!
My strangest dream would be a tie between the one where I was forced to marry Daniel Radcliffe, or the one I had a few nights ago that had something to do with Amidamaru and Girl Scouts.
The most influential one I ever had would have been last November, when I was sharing a room with a faceless guy. When I woke up, I realized that the guy was Yoh, and I decided to become a fangirl.
...or not. :p
Hmm. Well, last night, I had this strange dream involving my uncle, you see. IRL, he owns a break-down company. In my dream I dreamt that I was walking home from school because I missed the bus. And for some reason me and my best friend had to stop at this garage to paint a car gold. We did, and then turned to go home, and my uncle came driving past in one of his break-down trucks and I was scared he'd tell my parents I was painting this car. Then I woke up @_@;;
Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:26 am
I have strange dreams every night!
Last night I was at a health spa and Anthony Kiedis was my bf and Bon Jovi was sending me games on my phone.
I dream that I am at a health spa a lot though because I worked at one for 2 years.
Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:58 pm
I had a weird dream a while back that Blink-182 were playing in this massive theatre place, and I was the only one there, just sitting in the middle of the empty theatre watching Blink play, then a giant bunny rabbit appeared behind them (and I mean giant, it barely fit in the theatre) and started dancing madly.
Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:02 pm
I've had a lot of weird dreams. :/ I've shorted them because they're hard to explain unless I can orally explain them.
I was swimming in mud along with hundred of other soldiers and it was being broadcast on the news live, but back in 1919
Me and my family were being chased by a Tiger along a river, we escaped then I ended up at a blink-182 show and I was playing drums with Travis, then went back stage after the show and sat in a room with Tom and there wasnt much conversation.
There was a party in my English classroom at 3am and I remember saying "what, there can't be a party, its only 3am" and when I got inside it was like a normal free lesson :/ Then I was in the school libary and was on the computers when the technician asked if I'd be long because he wanted to go home
Those were last week, there was another one but it freaked me out and I don't want to talk about it

(not scary or anything its just not something I'd like to share)
Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:54 am
Me, my dad, my friend Kelly and my brother Shaun were on vacation and stopped at a hotel. Shaun and I go across a very narrow street to a restaurant type building. He sees a piece of toast sitting on a booth seat, and picks it up. An old man comes over to my brother and snatches it away.
My brother and I sit down, the dream turns to black and white and circus music starts playing and everything is going really fast.(like those old silent films) The old man turns into an old fashioned clown and starts doing tricks and takes off his leg.
That's one of the weirder dreams I've had, and that's the easiest I can describe it. I have no idea what it could mean.
Wed Sep 22, 2004 3:06 pm
I've been having loads of weird dreams lately, but I only remember bits and pieces. I remember them completely when I wake up, but I never bother to write/type them, so I forget them pretty fast.
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